Nov 3, 2016

Way Organic Banana Culture In

Way Organic Banana Culture In -

The Banana Organic farming method - Well, well, now many non-organic crops yes. You all know that the so-called non-organic?

You know, the process of cultivating plants that use chemicals in plants. It is often used to make it easier to ward off pests and yield better fruit, but the planting is very dangerous to humans who like the production plant itself.

Banana plant has not been immune to this planting system, you know. For this, let us now learn the culture of organic bananas yuk!

By a method of growing organic bananas, we can avoid attacks by diseases such as root rot, which can reach the heart of bananas.


course, in this way, much more laborious, will be able to increase the quality and the price of bananas. First, we must consider six things that are very important in organic farming, namely: ..

  1. Search Condition ground planting area
  2. Make soil cultivation preparation and planting of the pit
  3. tri Bibit Unggul.
  4. Planting the Good.
  5. Protect against weeds.
  6. the harvesting process.

Look Condition area of ​​planting land

The first point is important because without good soil conditions and maintained, any crop that is planted will grow with the fruit of the optimum.

Bananas can produce with good, the conditions of the tropics and humidity and sufficient sunlight.

Although bananas have a very good survival, it does not mean that the quality produced is the same. The need for land to be watered every day will be able to maintain the quality of bananas, especially when rainfall is minimal.

Make cultivation of the soil preparation and planting of the pit

Tilth also not less important than the first point. Farmers must keep the soil to remain healthy fertile plants or the production site to the maximum.

The means such as the use of chemical fertilizers is not recommended as it can remove nutrients in the soil. Of course, the most effective way is the most traditional way is plowing.

hacking techniques can be performed using a cow or a tractor. expected later to wait for the ground to dry about 10-15 hours exposed to sunlight.

The state of the soil pH should also be maintained, therefore, once the soil is dry, it must be given dolomite (known as agricultural lime) in order to neutralize soil pH. The seeding process is also necessary to provide organic fertilizer for the land can be healthier.

For Banana tree planting hole should also be considered. Ideally, the distance between trees is about 4-6 meters in north-south direction, and 3-5 meters in east-west direction.

Although a depth of about 1 x 1 x 1 meter in the hole. Keep in mind that not to use the hole directly after manufacture, dry hands first with a time of 15-30 days in the sun, dolomite dose later, the bottom of the hole should be given 5- 10 kg / hole.

Tri Bibit Unggul

seed selection is also very important because with good soil also, if the seeds used are not qualified, the results are not not optimal. Choose a banana shoots the parent who is really healthy and good, healthy bump then divide into smaller parts.

Next put the small part is on a pile of hay with a thickness of 30-50 cm and stored again with dry hay with a thickness of 10-20 cm. Do it in the shade.

Planting Good

The best time to plant bananas are at the beginning of the rainy season. This is to facilitate the watering process so it does not need too much because it has been exposed to rain.

Seeds of bananas planted at a height of 70-100 cm and a part which is incorporated varies from 30 cm to bananas can stand and not easily uprooted.

Protection against weeds

After the process, just need to wait to be able to grow bananas. But that does not mean you only need to say anything. There is always a bully in the growth process such as weeds.

Weeds can be controlled by hoeing his later killed when the earth around the banana weevil begins flat. This method is very good, because in addition to eradicate weeds, you can also improve breathing roots of the plant.

The harvesting process

At harvest time, you need bags for packaging of Banana fruit when young as skin color banana can be more smoothly and avoid fruit fly attack. Trunk Bananas can also be used as fodder that cattle, goats and sheep

Read article :.

  • How To Plant Culture Mango Pot
  • By Ginger organic cultivation method
  • Basic Guide by organic Canna

How? Complicating kah? But do not worry deh already. A guarantee of quality and profits much larger than the non-organic!

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