Oct 16, 2016

CROPS Cardamom Organic Techniques In short

CROPS Cardamom Organic Techniques In short -

Culture Techniques Short Plant Cardamom by Organic - The Indonesian public recognizes cardamom plant as a spice and most widely used to make remedies herbal


cardamom plants included in the class of herbs like ginger and tumbuhannya.

cardamom plant widely used for the treatment, from seeds, leaves, stems, roots and even. Some of the benefits of the plant cardamom is treatment of cough, fever, body odor, rheumatism, nausea, and many more.


Among the many advantages that explains why cardamom began bustling dikembang-cultivation by farmers.

Some of the techniques needed to grow and develop cardamom plants. mechanical cultivation of organically attract the attention of farmers practicing.

This technique involves the preparation of seedlings, soil preparation, planting and the harvesting process.

cardamom is used to living in the mountains around 200-1000 masl. You need to know is, cardamom requires humidity between 40-70 percent with a temperature of 20-30 degrees Celsius.

These plants can bear fruit from the age of three years. Biological planting will prevent the possibility of the use of pesticides that can be toxic to the user.

Growth conditions

Before the cultivation of cardamom, there are some things you should know first.

  • climate

cardamom cultivation requires a humid climate and rainfall in the range of 2500-4000 mm per year.

the intensity of the rain too high will cause the stems to be short and the flowers rot.

Meanwhile, if the weather is too hot can reduce the growth of this tree. Cardamom temperature necessary to grow around 20-30 degrees Celsius.

  • Land

The type of land for the cultivation of cardamom is clay or clay.

However, the use of clay as a planting medium must pass through pretreatment to achieve maximum results.

for the planting site, try not stagnant water, have good drainage and soil organic must try to raise the acidity with a pH of 5.6 to 6.8. The type of soil is best for growing cardamom is Mediterranean, andosol, flood, etc.

The technique cardamom organic

In biology, cultivation of cardamom can be by seed, but the weakness of this technique is very old.

Another way is to take the bar and then to a nursery or take other parts of the plant.

  • Preparation of seed

In preparing the seeds for cultivation, there are things to be considered, such as using the blanket or tarp.

cardamom farming may be three ways, namely seeds, seedlings or using rhizomes. The good seeds or shoots to develop a maximum height of about 50 cm.

growing fast. Roots old rhizomes will only increase the risk of crop failure.

  • Tilth

To gain ground with nutrients is high, cardamom plantation should conducted in the month there is precipitation sufficient from December.

Ploughing must be made at least as deep as 30 cm. Also, do not forget to prepare the hole in the ground as deep as 40 cm are filled with manure or other organic matter.

  • Investment

The process of planting cardamom seeds also need note. Happy planting should pay attention to risk factors such as tangent two roots and growth. Good spacing is 1m x 1.5m to 1m x 2m.

  • Maintenance

The maintenance process plays an important role in the success of the cardamom plantation.

weed control is also interesting to note that the quality of the crop is maintained. Working the soil around plants also need to trigger the growth of the rhizomes.

  • harvest

cardamom plant can be harvested after three years. The harvesting process is not necessarily, because at any moment can be harvested cardamom

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cardamom Age can reach 10 to 15 years, and one harvest per hectare, if accumulated can reach two to three tonnes per year

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