Oct 24, 2016

How to beet cultivation beginners

How to beet cultivation beginners -

How the beet growing for beginners - You certainly know bits, right? Red fruits are a lot of benefits is rare to find a place of culture.

Because this fruit is not like like lettuce or other vegetables.

However, not because he did not like does not mean not having a business opportunity.

Many are looking for not only for consumption only bits, but eating like a drug that can prevent disease and rid the body of impurities and toxins.


Well, how culture cultivated beets. In fact, the beet harvest is not too hard or difficult to membudidayakannya. The following steps how the beet cultivation.

Phase plowing

Ploughing certainly the initial phase should be done. You just have to plow and hoe, try a little in about 30 cm.

At the same time, you can also provide manure ½ kg every 2 meters. With the ground so fertile and be fed, after flattening and mix again. Prepare groove with hoeing and make a groove spacing of 30 cm.


Bits can use seeds or seedlings are planted directly. You can also mendapatkanny by cuttings.

But it is better before planting seedlings seeds used in the baby bag or a special place seed before planting directly into the ground. Beet seed is still to buy abroad for beet is quite difficult to flowering in Indonesia.

However, it should not be an obstacle for you to keep the culture of fruit pieces.

beets Planting

Before planting was done tillage grooved shape. Then the seed is sown evenly along the groove, if you want to direct seed sowing on land.

But if it is in the form of seeds and then pass a large and growing. It only took one week and then the seed will grow and the plants were seen emerging.

Move carefully, because the roots will be the fruit will be in the future.

seed Maintenance

  1. Spacing

thinning is done when the maintenance of the beet harvest at the time of planting. You can do the thinning at the age of 3-4 weeks.

The plants until you can not remove, and replace a new one or embroidered.

With the plants have formed 2-3 buds, weak shoots should be removed for not disturb the plants or shoots were strong. The spacing is set so that the distance of 15-20 cm.

At the age of 4-5 months, the grass plants appear often, and it should certainly be considered. Grasses will interfere with the growth of bulbs in the soil and the bits will be lack of nutrition.

There are good you do weeding. In fact, when there are weeds that you are able to do weeding, not having to wait 5 months.

Weeds that grow can absorb water and nutrients in the soil and make the bulbs are not qualified.

  1. Fertilization and pest

Fertilization can be done by mixing ZA, DS and ZK. Fertilization is done to spread the right and left lines with a distance of 5 cm from the stem. In addition, note also of pests and diseases.

Are there any pests and diseases that attack. If it is a good idea given pesticide or pest eradication and organic diseases. So as not absorbed by the fruit pieces.


Harvesting is done at the age of 2-3 months. Do not be late to harvest the fruit pieces, because if bit late fruit become hard and woody

Read also :.

  • Classification and morphology bit
  • How to fight against pests and diseases of plants bit
  • How Nursery Cocoa by generative?

How to reap the fruits of bits is pull up outside the tuber, and do not cut the stems to reduce evaporation process and the fruit will remain nice and cool

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