Sep 26, 2016

How to Plant and Red Ginger Culture In Sacks

How to Plant and Red Ginger Culture In Sacks -

How growth and culture of Red Ginger In Sacks - How to plant red ginger as spices typical culture of the archipelago is not too hard to do by beginning farmers, you just need to grow these plants in the margins of the main crops (whether fruit trees, coffee, cocoa, vegetables - vegetables, etc.).

if you are interested in growing these plants, please follow the steps to plant the red ginger you learned as a practical guide to planting and cultivation of ginger in red bags that follows:

process Seeding red ginger


1). You can buy red ginger plants ready to plant or leafs about 5-10 cm for the initial phase. Then the seeds germinate your own backyard of your home seedling

The most commonly used to sow the seeds of red ginger is the sowing of red ginger in the box - a wooden box ..

2). Choose freshly harvested red ginger and dried pandan leaves while on mats for 1 day and saved next to two months

Fracture -. Breaking the ginger using a so irregular hand, where each room has three to five new growth and further dried for a day.

Before sowing, the seeds of ginger should diseterilkan viral diseases. Cleaning the virus would done by soaking the seeds that have been and are already packaged in a bag and store in Phefoc HCS for 5 minutes to dry.

Once dry, soak the plant growth regulator SOT HCS mixture for four hours Done soaked, drain the seeds will dry up, the plants are ready to be planted.

How to Plant Red Ginger In Sacks

1). Download will seed that was sown and then break the rhizome of ginger using a hand into 2-3 segments with each segment there are at least two buds.

Make a mixture of soil with Bokashi in the ratio of 3: 1. Enter Bokashi soil mixture and into each pouch or bag with a height of 15 cm.

2). If using bags, folding bag height adjustment on the top of the bag carefully to get the proper height.

Then add the ginger seeds grow in a polybag or a bag that was filled mixture of soil and Bokashi. In a bag filled with about 2-3 the planting point to achieve maximum results.

How to care and fertilization

The treatment will do is very simple, the minimum water plants once a day, with hot weather record, whether the drought is very long, then watering is done twice a day.

When age ginger reached 2-4 weeks, so do pengocoran using fermentation SOT HCS.

Make the backfill bag or poly bag using a mixture of soil and Bokashi (3: 1) when the ginger has entered the age of 2-3 months or if the ginger rhizome seen poking

make the backfill process repeated with attention. the growth of ginger to limit the age of 8 months or until polybag or filled bags.

saw the spice cultivation technique, red ginger mentioned above, you can already imagine the harvests will be obtained, where bags or plastic bags will be used to grow the ginger will be filled red ginger when the harvest time

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Even some prosperous farmers harvested red ginger all a bag containing about 20 kg. Ginger

If step -. above measures were adopted during 8-10 months, and then it was time for the red ginger crop cultivated

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How to Plant and Red Ginger Culture In Sacks
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