Oct 18, 2016

How Culture Sago

How Culture Sago -

How the culture of Sago plants - Plants in the family or tribe Aracaceae a plant native to Papua and the Moluccas. In the place of origin of sago used as a staple food for the population.

sago plants have different names in each region Lapia for example, in West Java, known as chiral name, known in Ambon or Napia, Gorontalo known named Tumba in Toraja known Pogalo or tabaro and in the Aru Islands or rambiam-known rabbi. For how culture of sago can be considered as follows.


Planting preparation Sago plants

sago plants can grow optimally on precipitation ranges 2-4000 mm per year and is spread over the entire year. Sago can grow to a height of 700 meters above sea level (m).

However, at an altitude of 400 meters above sea found the best production of sago. The temperature required for growing sago ranging from 24.50 to 29 degrees Celsius.

In the growth process, sago plant needs watering enough, but flooding in the area of ​​sago plants make growth becomes impaired.

sago plants can live in a swamp with freshwater areas or marshes with peat and in the area along the river.

Selection of plants sago seeds

Seeding can be done by vegetative and generative. In generative seeds used to be old, no defects, has an average size and buds.

While the seeds are used for the vegetative seed breeding sago from buds of less than 1 year, and weighing 2 to 3 kg with a diameter ranging from 10 to 13 cm.

Ground Preparation

sago cultivation should be done at the beginning of the rainy season. Before the land planted seed corn, land must be cleared first.

Weeding (weed control)

When the sago plants aged 3 to 4 years for weeding or cleaning weeds, because if no weeding pests and diseases will be easy to attack the palm sago.

more weeds to make the big garden that may be affected by the fire. Weed control can be done using sickles, hoes, hand and so on.

Weed control results can be landfilled or compost. However, if there is a threat to weeds, preferably weeds are burned and the ashes can be used as fertilizer.

Leave fertilizers

Sago plants require nutrients such as potassium, calcium and magnesium.

fertilizer can be done by immersing the fertilizer into the soil, it is expected that the fertilizer is not carried out in water before it is absorbed by the roots of sago planted in swampy areas or lowlands.

fertilization takes place in a circle surrounding a clump. Fertilizer given sago palms are young do until one year before the harvest to 1 to 2 times per year at the beginning of the rainy season.


To facilitate the harvest time, the sago palm is cut near the roots.

cut can use a chainsaw or ax. Sago deleted from the stem at the top, leaving only the sago over pins is along the 6 to 15 m

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to the ease in transport, the logs cut in 1-2 meter. The weight of each log is about 120 kg.

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