Oct 28, 2016

How fertilization wine maintenance plants and fruit

How fertilization wine maintenance plants and fruit -

How fertilization wine cultures and maintenance of fruit - Generally, when the vineyards already nine months old pots, these plants can already be generated for the first time.

But usually the result of fertilization of this effect is not good for plant fertility, because very young age and condition of the roots are not so strong.

the best time for conception is after the vines are aged about more than a year is a year and a half, so that the growth of roots, branches, twigs and leaves have the opportunity to develop more perfect and mature, so that the vines are able to enhance the conditions of the plantation and the tree of medium is sufficient to achieve.


If culture known grapes is not up to a year, the plants show signs -. signs took the flower and bear fruit, flowers and fruit should be picked just before already grown to be a great

it aims substances to foods in the body of the plant can be used for needs of the vegetative growth of the next.

How fertilization of crops wine

vines in pots capable of fertilization twice a year.

Even if you know how to design right then, the plant can be produced three times a year, but the result is the growth of plants may be less healthy in the future.

vines are already mature enough to be able to successfully perfectly if the branches are less useful trimmed and leaves - excessive dirompes sheets

all secondary branches should be pruned and all dirompes leaves excessive compulsory with scissors, so that eventually only a main stem, branches. - Primary branches and branch - the branch form of secondary short -. spurs as short as

leafless vines will appear naked. . Secondary branches that were cut that will begin to grow new shoots that will eventually be expanded to become a branch of higher education

Two weeks after the trimming process and perompesan, will grow branches - twigs new leaf and spiral new [

Sulurnya is generally more near the third eye stalk, fourth and fifth.

nurture the vine is the best and the greatest, and in good health in childhood. This spiral of branches that will grow new flowers that will eventually grow into the fruit - ripe and beautiful

Maintenance Fruit

The vines in pots that have started flowering or fruiting small - small should not be too exposed to water spray ( mainly rain water), as rain can cause the flowers are easily damaged or berries -. small will fall

secure vines in pots in the shade during the rainy season, after the last rain, potted plants, you can lift the back and put in the place of origin.

to obtain granular pieces dompolan high when the fruit is still small should be thinned (for fertilizing first time).

reserving dompolan about 40-50% of the original number of grain Dilution occurs when the fruit is still a soybean grain, which is about - the age of 1.5 months from dirompes plants and trimmed

the second fruit thinning is done after a granulated or for seed corn, which is one month after the first thinning [

[19459009secondes] Spacing is just as controlling, if deemed necessary, grain fruit waste that grows abnormally small, dull colors and imperfect shape or already rotten.

fruit is old must kept pests like bats, chickens, rats and children - .. brat who want to taste the grapes to eat

secure it can be a variety of ways, as wrapped in cement, paper or plastic red

packaging is appropriate after 10% of the granules contained in a fruit dompolan seems perfectly mature. Make air holes in the corner of the package for air exchange.

The grapes are considered matured and ready to be picked up if his age is approximately 105-110 days after the dirompes plants or 90 days after blooming flowers.

sign of the ripe fruit is the presence of a layer of wax or white powder on the skin of the fruit, as well as new distinctive scent of grapes. perfectly ripe grape skin color is blackish - victimization, dark red, transparent yellow or greenish yellow, depending on the variety you have planted vine. The grapes were picked ripeness in time, so that the fruit flavor is sweet and fresh

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