Nov 2, 2016

As of Sugarcane Cultivation biological

As of Sugarcane Cultivation biological -

How The cultivation of sugar cane by Organic -. Sugarcane has the scientific name Saccharum officinarum is a plant belonging to the types of grasses

cane plant can be exploited through the rods to be as raw material for sugar and MSG.

sugarcane can be grown in tropical regions and the type of land used for culture of sugarcane organically ie the grumosol land alluvial Regusol latosol with an altitude of 0 to 600 meters above the level of the sea.


Although the degree of acidity or the pH of the soil is required ranging from 5.6 7 and with rainfall of 100 to 1300 mm per year. In culture, the things that must be considered, among others.

Ground Preparation

The soil used for the cultivation of sugar cane was diverted in advance using a tractor or hoe so the soil becomes loose and facilitate the rooting process in sugarcane.

subsequently made beds with a height of 40 cm wide and 50 cm, respectively, the distance between 45cm beds.

Selecting seed

to maximize yields of sugar cane, the quality of seeds needed cultivated sugar cane, seeds or seedlings are marked with a seed that looks good, not shriveled or dry eyes tunasnya still dominant, undamaged and fresh. Furthermore primordial roots of the sugar cane crop has not been grown and free of vascular disease.


Seeds are prepared and inserted into the hole which has been prepared with a pattern like parallel zigzag. The buds were beside them grow together.

After that, cover with soil and sprinkle fertilizer. Planting is done during the dry season or watering the dry soil should be done right.

Giving fertilizers

Fertilization occurs with the spread on a sugar area of ​​cane, then watering, fertilizing the second was done when the cultivation of sugarcane with the old 2.5 months how stored in the factory at a distance of about 10 cm plant stems and make watering until it is full. N pasaat dilakuka fertilization last five months old sugar cane crops.


When the plant was 30 days and 2.5 months, the plants should be weeded and cleaned of weeds. Penimbunanan and IPUK rod or Iruk Kalen done for cane rendemen must be optimized.

Meanwhile, when the cultivation of sugar cane was 5 months, 7 months and 9 months of the sugarcane harvest should diklentek. If it does not rain, watering can be done 2.5 months, in addition to irrigation in sugarcane is also the beginning of the planting season and the condition of the earth in cane Sugar.


After harvesting of sugarcane planted 5 to 7 days, it may be stung. Stitching first performed at the time of old plants sugarcane 3 weeks and has leaves 3-4 strands.

Stitching derived from sugar cane or reed pucukan done when sugarcane harvest was about 1 month. While sewing the two must be completed before pembubunan is performed in conjunction with the second watering, ie when the crop cane sugar aged 1.5 months

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Furthermore, if necessary may be carried out additional times before replanting the second pembubunan.


when sugarcane crops were aged about 12 months, then to harvest. Harvesting should be done from May to September, because at the time the cane was rendemen of dipuncaknya.

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