Oct 1, 2016

Basic Guide How Culture Belimbing

Basic Guide How Culture Belimbing -

Quick Guide How Culture Belimbing -. Plant carambola is a tropical plant, which means that the growth in tropical climates

There are two commonly known type of star fruit, star fruit and star fruit is sweet. Carambola is a plant that is not difficult to grow, from the backyard, plantations, good pot.

It can be eaten as a fruit, star fruit is also used as treatment and therapy.


content contained in the star fruit can be used as medicine. Carambola tree planting could be considered very easy, because the average plantation leatherback does not need much in charge.

planting conditions

star fruit tree does not require complex persaratan to live. But there are some things you should know before planting a carambola tree.

  • Growing media

Land of the most well used to grow starfruit is a little loose soil contains a lot of organic matter.

land use also must have a water content and soil acidity between 5.5-7.5. lutes plants is more apt to be grown in the lowlands, up to 600 meters above the level of the sea.

  • Climate

planting trees carom not be done in the windy, because it can lead to the collapse of the flower and star fruit.

rainfall would make a tree bear fruit more carom while surah tinggu rain will make a star fruit in the fall and the fruits are not too sweet.

Plants live leatherback time tends to wet and gets sunlight for at least 40%.

Growth conditions

After experiencing the full lutes planting, the next step is to start trying to cultivate the star fruit tree. Here are some things to consider before planting.

  • Nursery

Seed carambola can be generated from the generative and vegetative. Seed generative plants produced fruit seeds, while vegetable seeds are produced from plants aunt.

Vegetative planting is advisable to use because of the durability of the high life of the generator seed.

  • Investment

Before the seeds are planted lutes, make a small hole 50 cm deep. Once the seeds are planted, cover again with shelters after being mixed with compost in the ratio 1: 1.

  • planting system

carom Investment should ideally be 6 × 6 meters, this meant that tree growth leatherback does not interfere with each other.

Furthermore, in order to evolve and carom plant nutrient distribution uniformly on plant roots more freely.

  • land

Olah land to be used for growing carom seedling at least 30 cm from the surface, it is useful for the roots of the leatherback is easier to find a space.

has during treatment, mix with compost after we're up to 15 days. This should be taken into consideration is the availability of adequate water.

  • Maintenance

Watering is done twice a day, or depending on weather conditions. For fertilizer, urea or NPK use a dose of 1 gram per liter of water every three months.

weeding is also necessary to keep the bear's fruit production plant. management of pests and diseases is done by spraying pesticide every two weeks.

  • harvest

Star fruit begins to bear fruit after the age of four years and can be harvested up to three times a year .

carom harvest time is determined by the weather and local factors. In wetter, star fruit can be harvested about 65-95 days after the release of interest

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Star fruit that is harvested is marked by the color yellow fruits .

In a crop, star fruit tree can produce up to 300 fruits per tree. The fruit is picked too should all the stems to avoid rapid disintegration.

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Basic Guide How Culture Belimbing
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