Sep 28, 2016

Types and various types of Salak Eligible Grown

Types and various types of Salak Eligible Grown -

Type and various types of Salak Eligible cultivated - Salak is a kind of palm that are commonly eaten fruits. The fruit is known as snake fruit due to his skin like snake scales.

This tree is a plant with prickly leaves in a particular area. In Indonesia, there are different types of Salak which can be found and cultivated.

bark varieties cultivated in each region is different, and of course, taste and size barking at such a different performance. There are three significant differences from the type of bark that exist in Indonesia.


  1. Salak Java / Salacca zalacca (drupe 2-3 grains)
  2. Salak Bali / Slacca amboinensis (1- 2 seeds in grain)
  3. Salak Mulberry / Salacca sumatrana (fleshy red)

Three types of bark that have a high commercial value and commonly grown in Indonesia.


Including all types of Java Salak / Salacca zalacca. Many farmers to plant bark in the Java area and was once the belle of the 1999 DIY important pieces of

pondoh soft fruit and crunchy fresh without astringent taste, although the fruit not yet ripe enough.

pondoh also divided into several variants, including super-pondoh, pondoh black, ivory and pondoh pondoh great Nglumut.

pondoh in addition, there are also Salak Manonjaya were also included in the type Salacca zalacca (Gaertner) Voss.

Known Manonjaya for Salak Salak is derived Manonjaya village, Tasikmalaya, West Java.

Manonjaya Salak is much in planting farmers Tasikmalaya, Garut, Cilacap, Central Java. Type Salak Manonjaya two types based on the small and large.

This type of barking tiny, thin skin and a sweet balance. The flesh is quite thin, white opalescent texture and crisp.

He was sweet fresh and there was little astringent taste. Although the types of bark are large fruit with thick skin, too large scales. yellowish white color visible on her flesh.

texture is like a kind of a small crust, crunchy but not so sweet taste, flavor sepetnya more dominant. And type of barking is seldom planted by farmers.

Salak Bali

Included in this Slacca amboinensis. Talk to bark bali, it is one of the most widely cultivated varieties and the common population. Salak named Mumps. Why is this type of the most widely cultivated?

Because this type of barking is dikosumsi usual barking and negotiated. Have a spherical shape, skin color is brown, and on the basis of skin color a little red fruits, flesh is creamy, thick and sweet.

When kissed fruits, feels there's a floral fragrance cempaka. Flesh grain fragile and watery and small. When these fruits are ripe, the flesh of the fruit does not stick to the seeds.

when we stick mumps fruits, and heard no noise, it is a sign that the fruit is ripe. In addition bark mumps, bali bark other varieties is also called Salak Nenas.

Overview shape and fruit skin is very similar to bark goiter. yellowish brown color of his skin, but the color of the flesh is whiter than barking goiter.

thick, juicy flesh, taste even sweeter fruit that goitre bark. But in addition to sweet taste, there is also the pineapple bark taste bitter.

Gula Pasir Salak

Salak salak bali this is the sweetest taste and brittle. Fruit skin dark brown, if peeled seem flesh is white.

flesh Salak thicker and more liquid and soft sugar.

Salak sugar is a type of fruit is already sweet of the still young age without having to wait the bark is mature.

because of this snake fruit sugar called special varieties. Varieties Salak Bali is also called Salak Nangka, Salak Nyuh (Salak Coconut), Salak Injin (black Ketan) rippers Salak, Salak Maong, mesui Salak, Salak Bingin, Salak Ivory (Salak Bule) Salak getih, Salak Clove, Salak seeds white and Embadan Salak (Salak king).

information that has been mentioned, you can probably deduce that the barking is bali bark that many varieties of it.

Salak Padang

Salak is widely grown in North Sumatra province, the area sumut famous for the production of this fruit.

When fruits in other regions sour, sweet, and chelates, barking this area can be changed to taste apples, oranges, guava, jackfruit and pineapple.

But the various flavor bark is obtained using the technology, with the graft system. So that in three and a half years, tree bark could produce fruit with the taste varies.

Salak Mulberry / Salacca sumatrana divided into two varieties, namely Salak Salak and Red Mulberry Mulberry white.

Read articles:

  • Simple Guide Culture Passion Organic
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Mulberry red has a number of characteristics, such as color hue of red flesh with flesh combination of aromas of sweet fruit, sour and tangy.

and a description of the type and Miscellaneous allowable Salak grown Di, can be useful for you

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