Oct 8, 2016

Cats Whisker Growing method

Cats Whisker Growing method -

How to plant cultivation Cats Whiskers -. One of the plants that can be used medicinal plant is the cat's whiskers

These medicinal plants are also can be planted or grown on your homepage. Here is how the culture:


The easiest seeding process is by vegetative means through stem cuttings or branches. How:.

  • Choose plants healthy, normal and fertile growth
  • Pipihlah woody stems is not too young and not too old
  • Cut the stems to using a knife. . sharp scissors or pruning sterile or clean
  • cut the stem to a height of about 15-20 cm with books 2 -. 3.
  • Minimize evaporation by removing or cutting sheets

Seed required for one hectare with a spacing of about 40 x 40 cm is 50000-62500 cuttings per hectare .


mechanical seed No 2 ways, namely :.

  • direct planting in the garden with a distance of each -. Each plant about 10 cm x 10 cm and a depth of about 20 cm
  • Sirami much as 1-2 times a day, but depending on the weather if it rains.
  • Add shade if needed, can be made of transparent plastic or dry straw.
  • emerging shoots could be directly moved to the garden.

Preparation of the soil media

  • Olah garden soil, about 30-40 cm and free of weeds or other plants. Then leave for 15 days.
  • Make bendengan with a width of 100-120 cm and a height of 30 cm while the distance between bendengan 40-50 cm. Do not forget to mix the basic fertilizer as compost or cage to 50-60 tonnes / hectare. But before making tillage to really -. Really loose
  • Make a hole to plant a size of 30 x 30 x 30 cm 40 x 60 cm. Each - each hole give the manure as well as 2.4 to 3.2 kg and then close the hole with soil. Mixing the soil also bendengan with 15 to 20 kg / ha of cow manure.


  • Specify the culture system, usually the best planting time is early in the rainy season, which is to about a month from October to December or it could be at any critical moment provided enough water.
  • Make a small hole in the planting hole measuring 30 x 30 x30 cm earlier.
  • 4-6 planting seedlings or each hole perpendicular to the surface and a depth of about 5 cm or third part of the base of the stem in the cuttings.
  • compact soil around the plants.
  • Flush until very damp.


  • Stitching is done 1-15 days after planting seedlings in the field. How this is done in order to menyulami plants that do not normally grow until death
  • Weeding should frequently -. Often when the plants are young age, much less plant cover is still growing up. . However, if the plants are old, usually the canopy closed, so that suppress the growth of weeds
  • The organic fertilization can be done every 1 month as much as 1-2 kg per plant but as much as 1.5 to 3 kg per old plants every 2-3 Sunday once.
  • conventional fertilization can be done every 6 -9 them once at a dose of about 75 kg / ha of urea.
  • Watering can be done at any time, but not until the soil becomes dry
  • pesticide spraying can be done when the plant has a sign that the parasites began to emerge

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