Oct 17, 2016

How Eaglewood Culture for good results?

How Eaglewood Culture for good results? -

How Eaglewood Culture for good results? - Agarwood trees is a species native to Indonesia have attracted many countries worldwide, especially in the Middle East

Agarwood is a fundamental requirement of Middle Eastern societies as incense for religious rituals

also Eaglewood is also the manufacture of perfumes and perfume.


Therefore, the cultivation of these plants has the potential to bring many benefits to the import demand of the country country- in the world continue to be high . If you are interested in this Indonesian cultivate native plants, the following tips.


Seeding should be done is to mamilih Agarwood tree seedlings quality. Some signs of quality seedlings Eaglewood is healthy, not attacked by parasites and the diameter is preferably at least 1 cm with a height of 20-30 cm.

If the seed still in the package, then the roots of the seedlings have not pierce the envelope which is usually a polybag.

soil preparation

one of the distinctive plant Agarwood is its ability to grow even in the land without special preparation.

provided that the distance between the trees about Eaglewood 3X3 meters, the plant can be grown with the maximum. If the distance between the tree, you subtract it does not really matter, it's just that the results are not as comfortable as the ideal distance.

Planting Method

Make the planting hole 30x30x30 cm measure, Create and fill the hole with fertilizer to taste at least two weeks before planting .

planting time is the ideal time of the rainy season so that Eaglewood sowing unmet water needs.


Care is what will determine the outcome of the culture of Agarwood. This treatment consists of three main ways:

  • Fertilizers

types of organic compost manure is highly recommended in this Eaglewood culture. grilled beforehand with dry leaves if the fertilizer is wet or new.

Do fertilize regularly at least once every 6 months when using jens fertilizer.

However, if you use chemical fertilizers such as NPK, urea or HCL are then setidanya 3 months.

In addition, can also use a type of liquid fertilizer. First check pH levels of the soil where the cultivation of Agarwood, if the soil pH is too high, tambahakan Dolomite lime. Eaglewood ideal PH of the earth is 6 to 7.

  • Control

The pests are often attacked and damaged crops Gaharuadalah mealybug parasites . To overcome this, there are two ways that are powerful enough with soapy water or maintain (large red ants) Rang-rang.

Using soap can be done by soap and water dough the size of a tablespoon to a quart of water. Then spray the tree Agarwood, especially in the white Tampat nesting lice.

Avoid liquid soap is the root of Agarwood. While rank-rank can be placed near the Eaglewood tree. To attract rank-rank eat mealybugs can mengkatkan skeletal remains of fish or chicken in a Agarwood tree attacked mealybugs.

If the area is a lot of wild boar, then it can also threaten the culture of Agarwood. To fight against this could put up barriers with bags used around the Agarwood tree.

  • Shade

Shade necessary to accelerate the growth of the Agarwood tree. Plants that are commonly used as shade Eaglewood lands such as cassava, papaya, thatch material.

But keep in mind that the shade should not be too shady to cause too wet Eaglewood land. If the soil around Eaglewood too wet, it can cause root rot.

  • pruning branches

This is the way that is efficient enough to make Aloe plants grow faster. . By the size of the branches and twigs of the nutrients are absorbed by the roots terpfokus on tree growth

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do until the plants measuring 2m, but s' it is still necessary to continue to do so. Cut the branches of the young is sekitas 2-3 cm and leave the already strong and fertile branch to grow

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