Oct 31, 2016

Ornamental plant cultivation Irian Flame Techniques

Ornamental plant cultivation Irian Flame Techniques -

ornamental plants mechanics Flame of Irian - The color of the flowers of a plant named Flame of Irian or Mucuna ovoguineensis is similar to interest Flamboyan chapped and red lights, only the shape are not similar and smaller than the interest earned the nickname ornamental tree as well.

In addition to bright red, there is also another flower that is still clumps that come from the same family, Vine Clock or flame namely Indian Irian Brown or name that has the Latin name Thunbergia mysorensis .


Like Mucuna novoguineensis, Thunbergia mysorensis is also the vine with hanging flowers and grouped.

flame Irian also has another name Mucuna kraetkei Warb the lenticellosa Mucuna Mucuna K. Schum, Flame of the Forest, New Guinea and Red Jade Vine Creeper. Coming from South America called Mucuna bennettii.

Flame of Irian is included in the types of vine pergola and comes from Papua trigger bud bud after the flowers fall.

Each Irian flame rod contains 6-12 flowers and cultivate and care can be said to be tricky.

To grow, you can put the seeds in the first pot. Use pot also should not be too large, approximately pot with a diameter of 40 centimeters.

But if you want to plant directly in the ground is also not a problem. The important thing is to plant should get enough sun.

Media culture is a loose soil which was added to the compost in the hole that was created earlier.

Due to the growth of a plant is relatively fast, then watering is necessary once a day and giving the fertilizer about 2-3 months.

Fertilizers are used may be either compost or NPK also sprinkled around plants or inserted into the hole for the fertilizer.

in addition to weeding, watering and fertilizing, we must also pay attention to the health of plants to remove weeds and plant pests that can make the flame of Irian wither and die

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