Oct 12, 2016

How to White Oyster Mushroom Cultivation with Good and profitable

How to White Oyster Mushroom Cultivation with Good and profitable -

How Culture oyster white with good and profitable -. For those who intend to learn about growing mushrooms, you should start with the second phase

as for the initial phase which makes the planting medium, preferably purchased to other farmers who pursue this activity in trade and on a large scale.

he aims to minimize failures and losses in the culture of early mushrooms.


When agriculture began to develop stable, then you learn to make baglog mushrooms.

in this article we will go over about the first step it must prepare for growing mushrooms (oyster white) as preparation made kumbung mushrooms.

our expectation is that you can already prepare the house mushroom mushrooms where the cultivation of oyster mushrooms.

After the mushroom house ready shelf mushrooms in a room at the back of your house, not to directly baglog / mushroom culture media. Perform steps - steps preparations in advance:

1). Clean the shelves you will use for the cultivation of mushrooms of all kinds of dirt.

2). Spray with fungsisida inside and let stand 2-3 days submarines, expect net kumbung the smell of drugs.

3). Enter baglog in kumbung mushrooms and layout is placed on the grid.

Note trick prepare baglog oyster

Baglog or terms of culture media as mycelium diletakannya oyster white mushrooms (mushroom seed)

material -. material applied to baglog is sawdust, because white mushrooms slaah is a type of wood mushrooms

baglog usually wrapped in plastic and cylindrical. Where part of the ends given hole. Hole - .. A hole that is the outfall of oyster

The mushroom producers generally prefer to baglog itself, it is because they are professionals has a special formula for baglog that a high success rate

for beginners with limited capital are invited to buy baglog others.

Thus, farmers will focus on mushroom cultivation to function properly. Currently, the average - average price baglog fungus weighs about 1-15 kg are sold with a value of Rp 2000 - Rp. 3,000..

How to Care baglog oyster

There are practical ways that you can use to compose baglog in the rack. The first is to be arranged vertically in which baglog hole at the top.

Second, it can be arranged horizontally, where a hole in baglog turned to the side. Most farmers in Indonesia have chosen to build baglognya horizontally.

Excess organize horizontally baglog because if watering is done then the excess part of the water will not get in baglog. Furthermore, the mushroom harvest method will be easier. Another advantage is that it can be stacked in a rack - a narrow shelf

Here are some steps involved in the cultivation of oyster mushrooms

After baglog arranged on the plate , set aside a few days. until the white mycelium began meeting baglog. After seeing the fungus began to grow large buds, remove the ring and cover baglog existing paper.

If the wear cotton blanket while baglog cotton should let go. After that, cut the tip plastic baglog to provide space on a grass fungus that can grow perfectly. When the weather begins to heat should both run times a day to keep moisture kumbung.

Do watering using a sprayer. Adequate watering is done with misty water and not water droplets.

The better you make the carburetion, the better the result. Baglog for watering, do the routine as much as 1-3 times daily, depending on the temperature and humidity levels. stable temperature is in the range of 16 -. 24oC

Harvest culture oyster

If baglog increased by some mycelium in its entirety, the condition is a sign that the fungus will soon grow. When the mushrooms were growing, harvesting done immediately because the fungus is easily rot if left for more than 24 hours.

For baglog weighing 1 kg will usually be able to produce mushrooms as much as 0.7 to 0.8 kg. After that, usually baglog can no longer productive, should be discarded and changed with the new baglog

Harvesting is done on a fungus that was in full bloom, the white color and enlarged

.. Feature - the characteristics is at the end of the conical visible fungus. But yet broken cover and clean but still pale white.

When the harvest is complete, then the mold will change color to a dull yellow and the hood was beginning to crack. Conditions such as this fungus will not be durable and easy to wither. Therefore, to harvest in the morning and afternoon

This step - step on how the cultivation of oyster accurate and easy to do

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do not forget to set aside money from the sale of mushrooms to be used in the development of herbal medicine activity on a larger scale, because we know that one of the causes of the failure of the culture of mushrooms because financial conditions are unstable and poorly managed properly so vulnerable to a total failure.

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