Sep 30, 2016

How Sawo Pot Culture

How Sawo Pot Culture -

How To Plant Pot Culture Sawo -. Sapodilla Plant now it has become a commodity that is great

Ease the plant separate account why this beloved plant.

the shape of the sapodilla tree is large and the shade can be very suitable to be planted in front of and behind the house. In addition, sapodilla plants can also be planted in pots in the house.


took more fruits, the sapodilla plants are also widely used resin. The sap is used as the ingredient manufacture of chewing gum.

In addition, this plant is considered to have efficacy in the treatment, especially in relation to body weight.

Mebudidayakan of sapodilla plants virtually very, convenient and easy done by anyone. Land use can also be a variety of shapes, expanding the court, slopes, fields or even in many pots.

plantation terms

Planting sapodilla plants is not too complicated. sapodilla plants do not require different persaratan as other plants.

Nevertheless, there are still things that need to be considered in sapodilla plants.

  • Growing media

land suitable for growing sapodilla is a clay soil collector and a bit grainy.

soil acidity is expected to reach 5.5 to 6.6, also must have good drainage and enough nutrients. Use a pot that is at least 40 cm to anticipate root growth of plants sapodilla.

  • Climate

sapodilla plants would be optimal growth at a height of between 100- 1000 meters above sea level with a temperature range of about 26-32 degrees Celsius.

rainfall is needed sapodilla plants around 1000-1500 per year and the humidity of about 50-70%.

growth will sapodilla more quickly when exposed to direct sunlight, the fruit becomes more consequent became stronger.

How brown culture

Plant growing sapodilla as easy and can be done anywhere. While it remains in conformity with the planting criteria loaded.

  • Nursery

Seed sapodilla is a variety of forms, including the results of sowing seeds and also of transplantation.

transplant seeds are preferred since it has been proven to live planted. In addition, the speed of growth and future fruit fast enough compared to seed sowing.

  • Investment

Enter the sapodilla seeds in a pot that has been provided. Remove the plastic bag, or package and place it in a pot in accordance with the planting medium on top.

  • system of planting

Place the sapodilla seeds in an unassigned direct sunlight place. This placement will affect the growth of leaves on the sapodilla plants.

Only after about two months of plant sapodilla issue new leaves, then place the seedlings in place directly from the sun.

  • land

land used in pots should be clay and a little sand. also mixed with compost in the ratio 1: 1 and mix until uniform, then put it in a pot. Give pads on the bottom of the pot about 7 cm with fibers.

  • Maintenance

Maintenance sapodilla plants probably relatively easy. Simply by giving water each morning and evening.

Please also provide manifold NPK fertilizer at a dose of 50 grams per pot regularly to stimulate the growth of stems and leaves of plants sapodilla.

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fertilizer can be given as a fertilizer fed about 10 cm. make this fertilizer once every three months.

  • harvest

The resulting fruit sapodilla plant will depend on the care and maintenance process. Fruit produced from the seed grains will be longer than the fruit produced from the seeds of the graft.

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