Oct 11, 2016

Easy Ways Culture Mahogany

Easy Ways Culture Mahogany -

How To Plant Culture Mahogany - The most important part of mahogany plant that has a high value is a stick which can be used as material for making furniture with relatively high selling value because it is easy to be formed into a variety of decorative addition to the home.

there are mahogany trees are planted extensively in the tropics for afforestation and reforestation programs are useful as shade plants, ornamental plants, fences or. Wood

other benefits that can be obtained from the mahogany trees are mahogany trees can do to reduce air pollution which is about 47% - 69% eligible for the registration as a protector of the tree and areas with air and pouring water tank filter, with leaves -. leaves that has a function as an absorber of pollutants in the vicinity


foliage of this plant is able to create the release of oxygen (O2) that causes the ambient air to be fresh. Especially when there are rains, the soil and the roots of these trees will bind waterfall so that the water in the soil can be used as a backup water.

Mahogany fruit known for many substances called saponins and flavonolds. Flavonolds since the first known to be useful for blood circulation so powerful to cure the disease that occurs due to blockage of blood circulation and advised to eat fresh fruits mahogany as an alternative to traditional medicine.

The flavonolds effective content to reduce pain, bleeding and bruising and can act as an antioxidant to neutralize free radicals

other ingredients in a mahogany piece are saponins substances are known to have properties as follows :. the prevention of plague, could be to reduce the amount of accumulated fat in the body, strengthens the immune system, prevent blood clots and strengthen the liver and powerful function to slow blood clotting.

mahogany trees is a forest plants that are currently popular in the world other than teak community.

Mahogany (Swietenia spp), the trade name of a famous local usually come from Central America and South America, was first entered Indonesia in 1872 in India and started be developed on a large scale for the first time on the island of Java in 1897.

mahogany trees belonging to the family Meliaceae and Indonesia there are two of these species are Swietenia Macrophyllia king (mahogany large leaves) and Swietenia mahagoni Jaq ​​(mahogany small leaves).

Mahogany broadleaf growth is relatively easy and. faster than small leaf mahogany

trees with a canopy of shade, and a shed most of their leaves during the dry season dome is mostly found in tropical wetlands to that winter climates (type of climate - C according to Schmidt - Ferguson).

Free Culture Mahogany

P roducing Bibit Unggul

supply seed . to be able to get the productivity of good quality wood, then it should be continued collection of good seed.

seeds are healthy obtained from seed stands which were aged over 20 years.

The download can be done if the fruit is ripe and dark brown. For every kilogram of good quality seeds, containing about 2,300 eggs / kg. Some things you should consider in the purchase of seeds:

  • The seeds can be taken from trees that grow well and dubious origin
  • The quality is good, healthy and not easily attacked by pests. disease.

Sowing seeds . Mahogany seeds should create about 400,000 stems seeds needed about 289.86 kg.

Before sowing, seeds should be cut wings. The medium used is planting soil mixed with sand in the ratio 2: 1, then filter using a metallic sieve of 2 mm

Before use, the media should be sterilized, which aims to prevent pest attack on seeds, made high beds. approximately 1 meter above the ground.

Do sow the seeds evenly across the media surface to the distance of each 2 x 1 cm on the beds sow size of 5 x 1 m or 2 x 1 m. Seeds are sown wingless with the position of the thick seed is located next to the bottom. Then sow given plots of shade

Another way of sowing seeds is done using a container or plastic bag that was given hole -. A small hole. The medium used is the same as that used for the withdrawal of seeds in general, in this way does not require withdrawal of seed, but necessary seams on plastic bags whose seeds seemed to begin to grow.

The treatments are the same as the seeds were weaned. To keep moisture sowing plots remain healthy, you should do the liver watering -. Liver

Weaning . At the age of 2-3 weeks or germs already 2-4 leaves, seeds can be transferred in a polybag with size 8 x 15 cm which filled the media.


Media vary, the most important is the media must berareasi well and a lot of mineral nutrients as a mixture of topsoil and sand or mineral soil, compost and sand. The composition used is a mixture of sand, soil and compost with a ratio of 7: 2: 1

Some things you should consider in weaning seedlings of mahogany trees, among others : revocation of plots sown seedlings carried by the liver - liver and maintained roots in order not to break.

seedlings are planted in bags or plastic containers in an upright position and the roots of the plants fell back to avoid injury.

withdrawal is made every morning or evening under shade (Sarlon). nursery seedlings ready to be planted in the field after reaching the age of 6 months.

Size seedling height of about 25 cm (from the base of the stem to the tip of the sheet), the stems of woody plants, the seed diameter 2 mm, healthy and fresh.


in some cases, these plants can be grown using a seed in the form of strain (length 20-40 cm) or sowing Puteran with 25 cm high. Make strain is in the nursery.

The seeds are used for strain seedling production has already reached a height of 50 cm.

Mahogany Tree Care

Maintenance of mahogany trees can be maintained by replanting techniques, weeding, pendangiran and regular fertilization.

stitching you do in the first year of planting mahogany trees during the rainy season progresses.

weeding by destination is meant to free plant pests around the tree. This can be done in the first 2 years of planting mahogany trees.

pendangiran is a way to loosen the soil around the mahogany trees that form the width of the planting hole.

After these two techniques are the right way, then fertilization is done by sprinkling the fertilizer around the mahogany tree. mahogany plant is a plant that needs water in sufficient quantity and you need to keep the earth's moisture condition

Mahogany maintenance activities done in order to obtain results that mahogany perfect with wood - wood .. that is sturdy and solid

After experiencing adulthood, mahogany vulnerable to pests and diseases than other wood plants.

pests and diseases can be eradicated by removing parts of the plant are already harmful. The use of drugs against the disease that is using drugs -. chemical drugs such as pests and diseases that have invaded mahogany plants can be destroyed

In addition, the mahogany of the plant can be easily affected by the fires that have to do prevention fire as soon as possible.

This is because the content of the sap in the mahogany trees are highly flammable. How common are used to prevent fires is to build a path separator. This method greatly help farmers do to prevent the escape of mahogany trees from the threat of fire.

Treatment of mahogany trees grown a little complicated to do, the plant is able to survive and adapt to the environment if you do the treatment correctly

These measures important you need to know about how the culture of law and mahogany tree nursery which if successful will greatly affect the success of farmers in the cultivation of mahogany trees

Read Articles :.

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  • Tip - Tip For Jasmine on page Rajin Flower

mahogany tree can be harvested for timber or felled to create a variety of purposes around the age of 10. This time is not a short time, but the mahogany tree could be a solution to the use of land that is less productive chosen as the most appropriate multifunctional destination.

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18/10/22 delete

I wrote about a similar issue, I give you the link to my site. mahogany decking
