Sep 16, 2016

Easy tips on organic vanilla Culture

Easy tips on organic vanilla Culture -

Easy Tips Culture Vanille For bio - You know Powder Vanilla

Yes, the vanilla powder used for perfumes, foods Vanilla comes from plants ( Vanilia Planifolia ).

the need for fragrances, food is endless as the needs of the food itself.

so the plant is very valuable. Even this plant called green gold farmers.


Interested planting this plant? Consider the following tips.

Land preparation

The first step in preparing the vanilla cultivation is to plant shade trees.

It took at least 1, 5 years earlier than cover crops can grow in advance. Plants for the protection vanilla is best Dadap tree.

Dadap trees in the shape of relatively small leaves and evenly so the penyianganya pretty good system.

In addition, the roots dig deep enough into the ground so as not to disturb the vanilla plant.

butterfly plants other flowers as Leucaena is also very good as vanilla cover crops. Plant cover crops is the ideal spacing of 1.5 x 1.5 meters.

When cover crops grew well enough, prepare the soil by removing weeds and making holes measuring 30 X 30 X 30 cm place a seed placed vanilla later.

the distance between holes is about 30 cm and fill each hole with organic manure type fertilizer. So that the holes 3 to 4 days.


It is recommended to accelerate the process of culture, system of use cuttings, although the system of seeds can also be used.

In the selection of the plant to be used as cuttings are things that need to be considered

  1. Choose a healthy stem Vanilla and not disabled
  2. Plants Vanilla is already very old who is over 10 years
  3. Rod was about already cultivated there 1 year
  4. Plants Vanilla many buds tendrils and productive
  5. Cut the stems as long as 50 to 70 cm

once the seedlings cuttings ready to be implemented, first exhaust sheet into three sections at the bottom and cultivate fall to accelerate root growth.

Tie on shields plants on the soil surface, try Vanilla planting is not difficult to receive sunlight.

should do the planting during the rainy season so the tananaman water needs can be tiring.


Use of organic fertilizers such as manure in a dose of 10 to 15 kg per tree.

Do this regularly fertilization at least once a year. manure type more rapidly absorbed by the soil is poultry litter.

poultry manure Manure is also a pretty good choice to accelerate the growth and development of plants with vanilla.

Control Hama

Hama snail ( Achatina fulica ) is one of the pest that often threaten the vanilla plants. To get rid of the use of natural ingredients is to create potions with garlic.

Just crush the garlic and mix with water and spray plants with vanilla.

This herb is repulsive (repellent) is very effective Reviewed shelled snails. As regards the snails are not shelled or naked snail, replace the material with the tobacco material.


Features of Vanilla plants are ready to harvest is a change in color from dark green to light green.

And there were small yellow lines extending to the end of the fruit. . Harvest between by way of taking them one by one without disturbing other fruits

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