Oct 4, 2016

Brief Guide mechanical and Culture Talas plants

Brief Guide mechanical and Culture Talas plants -

Mechanical and Plant production Brief Guide Talas - taro plant carbohydrates, especially the tubers contain that are essential. However, the taro plant also has a sap that is very itchy.

Therefore, before taking it, should be cooked first. cultivation of taro popular to do in Bogor, therefore, often known as the Bogor taro taro named.


In the cultivation of taro plants, consisting of several steps tillage step, seed selection, planting, fertilizer, irrigation, and so after. For more details, techniques and advice about growing following taro plants.

Soil Processing

To maximize crop yields of taro plants, the necessary land actually processed to provide optimal results on taro plants are planted in the soil.

for the treatment of the soil can be done using hoes, forks, and the tractor engine. The soil is treated until the soil becomes loose with the depth of the plowed soil as deep as 20 to 30 cm.

Ploughing is also intended to make the plants free of weeds and wild plants.

Selecting seed

to produce taro with quality tubers, seeds are also required to have high quality. How to reproduce taro can be made from seeds, seedlings and stolons, network and ampoules buds.

The seedlings were used as seed taro plants, must be large enough, and the tubers have grown to a height berikisar between 60 and 70 cm.

Before use, the seeds should be stored in advance in the soil by planting organic fertilizers and treated properly.

Each seed is planted with a distance of 10 to 15 cm. Seeds should ditanaman good for the seedlings can grow quite large, and other seeds or seedlings can be planted in the field of cultivation of taro plants.

The planting process

taro very vulnerable plants to drought, therefore, cultivate taro plants on open land must be cultivated early in the rainy season.

Seeds of taro plants could die if the water shortage in the planting of 2 to 3 days. To be used as a culture medium lahanyang remains fertile and moist, the surrounding land can be mulched in straw, leaves, dry grass clippings, and so on.

taro plants should be watered regularly, if it has not rained. Because of taro plants drought, which causes the growth is interrupted, it is difficult to be restored again, despite being sprayed with water.

Leave fertilizers

seedlings planted after early fertilization, fertilizers were well used at the start of planting for growing taro plants, namely compost or manure.

After the taro plant was about 4 weeks after planting, it can be given a second fertilizer. Manure used to fertilize both urea ie about 2 tablespoons dosing schedule tablespoon each tree or about 75 kg per hectare


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fertilize last may be given at the time of taro plants were aged 3 months early planting. Fertilizers that can be used is urea dose dose of 75 kg per hectare and KCl at a dose of 150 kg per hectare.

Weeding and Pembubunan

For the process of growth of taro plants is good, the necessary weeding. Because if there are weeds or grass around the earth taro crop, it will weed or grass snatch food rations of taro plants. Weeding process to do when taro taro plants older plants 3 months after planting.

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