Oct 27, 2016

The types of forestry that exist in Indonesia

The types of forestry that exist in Indonesia -

The types of forestry that exist in Indonesia - Today, the silvicultural system in Indonesia is divided into 4 types. TPTI, THPB, THPA and TPTII.

THPB (Clear cutting with artificial regeneration)

Total Cup with artificial regeneration, or better known by the acronym THPB silvicultural system using mining techniques forestry and reuse clearcut the entire tree that is in the forest stand, while the regeneration levels using technical replanting logged areas such.


in order to obtain forest stands The new genus, life, and have a high or maximum value. Accordance with the wishes of the company that manages the area and respond to market needs.

forest using silvicultural systems THPB all trees have economic value because it is grown and harvested to use.

slaughter Size adapted to forest conditions, production needs, capacity and reforestation can be done by the company.

also THPB a silvicultural system that most parents to form forest stands in Indonesia.

THPA (Clear Cutting with assisted natural regeneration)

Unlike THPB, Clear cut with assisted natural regeneration or better known by the abbreviation THPA can be used without planting .

Because the most widely used in the forest or in the connected culture, trubusan or generative on productive forests that can dikonveksi and or land in forest products use license of wood in production forest on basis of the work plan for the use of forest wood (RKPHHK) and or production of habit forests.

THPA is a more economical forestry, efficient, comprehensive, and could generate values ​​of the natural regeneration process of the high production training.

So far, the use of THPA system in Indonesia is still very rare. However, if seen from the Indonesian government forestry, THPA very appropriate silvicultural system used to improve forest ecosystems.

TPTI (Selective Cutting plant Indonesia)

of Indonesia selective cutting plants, better known by TPTI is one of silvicultural systems used to maintain form and not mention the natural forest remaining mixture.

Thus, the forest will be filled with different types of plants, trees and ferns. TPTI made only in the land of natural forests in the territory of Indonesia alone.

For wood with a variety of plants and trees can be created using selective cutting.

most natural forest production also uses selective logging, for several reasons as follows :.

  • natural forest containing large and small trees, while those with a high value is just a big single tree
  • natural forest consists of various species of trees, while behavior or required by the market only a few.
  • natural forest with trees with varying conditions, as sold on the market end of the wood.

selective operating system in Indonesia is set by the government in 1972 as part of the selective logging system name Indonesia (TPI), but in 1989 changed to the operation of the select system plants of Indonesia (TPTI).

TPTI system used only in natural forest floor is, swamp forests, forests and bogs dry wood as ebony.


because of the natural forest of ex culling production in Indonesia has undergone the transition to the propagation and planting by the surrounding community, then 1997, the Minister of forestry Indonesia decided to promote forest plantation development in the forest meranti

Read articles :.

  • forestry Clear System Cutting Permudaan kind (THPA)
  • silvicultural system in brackish forest
  • History of silvicultural system in Indonesia

to raise awareness of the business owner to preserve natural forests logged, and people living around the natural forest made regarding the existence of companies that conduct reforestation of exploited natural forests .

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