Sep 24, 2016

Culture Guide mechanical and plant Aren

Culture Guide mechanical and plant Aren -

How To Plant Culture Aren -. Palm plants or so-called culture, the palm tree is a plant that is already familiar cultivated

Many Indonesian people who prefer to grow sugar.

[19459009entrepreneurs] even became rare and worked in the business field. Because the palm plants if it were fortunately able to produce millions of value every month.

tanaman aren In fact, the sugar factory itself is much more to take the wild forest, lack of use and conservation causes many people are promoting the way palm plant cultivation.

in fact, the sugar factory and the coconut plantations, many parts of the sugar factory that can be used.

Surely you are curious to see how the technique and how to grow walnut crop this proposal? after several comments.

Preparation Before Culture

To make the cultivation of palm plant a good idea to do a little preparation.

Given palm plants need sufficient spacious land with seeds that are difficult to find then the charges taken for the general awalpun enough capital.

additionally available land must be in accordance with the terms of the sugar plant growth, although the sugar plant can grow well in the highlands and low with ranges between 2- 1500 meters above sea level.

better ambient temperature of 250 ° C, so it is easier and produce good fruit on a plate. The average rainfall is 1200 mm area planted / year.

Treatment land for cultivation Aren

Plants aren actually not too difficult. This plant can grow well dikeadaan sandy soil, mud or clay.

This will certainly facilitate if the sugar factory is planted in fertile soil. So just stay menggemburkan plowing and provide manure, Urea, TSP, etc. are mixed in preparation for the start of the plant.

In addition, the sugar plant can be grown in the valley or the mountains, the land remained mashed and mixed fertilizer, do not forget too were pressed so that when planted the plants will not be landslides or swept away.

Size of the land itself planting to you, as long as the land is vast. The required distance between plants is 5 m x 5 m or 9 m x 9 m.

Seeds Preparation Aren plants

For planting of the sugar factory can be done directly from seed. Palm plants pass through the stages of sowing is done in first polyethylene bags

Land use and manure in the ratio 1: 2 .. Then mix and entry into polybag as high as 3 / 4. After that, prepare the palm seeds of plants that have been cleaned and soaked for days and dry.

sugar seeds can also be obtained from animals badger ate and took it back.

Fruit Aren peeled and cleaned up the seeds, then hardened and dried. Seeds should always be watered when the crib because it requires high humidity, about 80%.

After planting in polybag until the age of a few months, a maximum of three months of the seeds that are in polybag seedlings. This is commonly done if you want to plant palm plants.

Planting and some tips

If the seedlings in the nursery was great then you can move around the country. Good seed to plant six months

By doing this, you can move the plant and planting on land that had been prepared

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do not forget to prick stake or menopak wood to the plant before the plant is erect and harden. planting hole 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm.

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