Oct 26, 2016

How Cocoa Nurseries by Generative?

How Cocoa Nurseries by Generative? -

How Cocoa Nursery By Generative - ?. cocoa seeding can be done in two ways, which is done by generative and vegetative

this time will be discussed cocoa farming generative ie multiply using cocoa beans

this technique has benefits: .. seeds are very convenient to be stored longer, more flexible delivery, and strong roots that can stand firmly

cara pembibitan kakao

However, this method sometimes results in products that are not necessarily the same as the parent

how cocoa generative reproduction :.

Plant Material Preparation

selection of seeds used for reproduction can be derived from the production of the garden or buy them. If you take your own garden should note the following: ...

  • Terms strong and healthy network
  • The high productivity result
  • His age between 12-18
  • ripe fruit perfectly with the yellow sign on the seed if the fruit with green skin and orange if the skin is red

Usually seeds that can be Hana used only about 20-25, then washed with sawdust or ashes to remove mucus in flowing water

If this was done with brushing -. sealam broadcast about 1 day. After drying, the seeds are ready to be used.

If you choose to buy the seeds, try selecting quality seeds and already has a name and reliable sources.

Preparing a nursery

  • Set Bandengan epileptic longitudinal direction north - south with a width of 1.2 meters and a maximum length of 10 meters . Try to choose a place that is considered affordable, safe from disturbance, close to water sources, and the average.
  • Hoes soil as deep as 30 cm and gemburkan until smooth and flatten
  • Add sand with a thickness of 5 cm on land that is flat and give advice or brick to contain the avalanche of sand
  • shade made of sugar cane leaves, coconut leaves or grass -. grass with pole height of 1.2 meters to the west and is 1.5 meters.

sowing seeds

  • Soak the cocoa beans using 2.5% formalin for 10 minutes for the fungus can not not grow.
  • Put the seeds on the third layer of sand fever down and parallel seedlings at a distance of 2.5 x 5 cm
  • the bendengan Rinse with water
  • Close with reed leaves .. - grass dry hardened finished product in a fungicide solution.
  • Sprinkle the seeds in the morning and the afternoon.
  • at the age of 4-5 days, the seedlings were germinated can be directly transferred into a plastic bag or other Edi.

Setting the culture media

  • Prepare a poly bag measuring 20 x 30 cm with a thickness of 0.08 mm.
  • Fill with soil topsoil composition + sand + manure is 2: 1: 1, which was mixed and sifted 1-2 cm from the top
  • Place it under the auspices of the isosceles triangle over a distance of 60 x 60 x 60 cm.
  • Have watering to saturation.

germs Moving

  • selection defective seeds, grow crooked, stunting or older and the age of the growth of germs.
  • Take shoots using Solet bamboo taproot that is not broken.
  • Put a bag in which the holes using the index.
  • Close backhole media of increasing fever.

seed Maintenance

• watering

Do each type of watering morning and evening in the dry season but when the rainy season depends on the state of media in polybag

• fertilization

Make a fertilize every 14 days to 3 months of age using dilute urea fertilizer with water to a concentration of 1% and fertilizer dissolved in 100 ml of each seed sebanayk. Flush water from the disease in fertilizer stuck later.

• Fight against diseases and pests

This control depends on the type of disease and parasites, for example beetles pests can use insecticides.

Sowing Seeds

At the age of 3 months, the seeds have 18 -24 leaves, stem diameter 8 mm, height 50-60 cm ready . planted in the field or make possible connections

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