Sep 17, 2016

How ornamental plant Tulip

How ornamental plant Tulip -

How Tulip Ornamental Plant - amazed by the beauty of plants Tulip? You want to have one in your house plants? Yes've remained planted dong. Eh? I do not know how? Lol ... Kasian deh.

Well, here, I'll explain how to grow plants Tulip to you all! Expect more, consider the comments below!

Indeed, Tulip cultures is not easy as you might expect. The most important problems is the temperature. In Indonesia, the tropics have very high temperatures in the range of 25-32 degrees Celsius, while the requirement for Tulip plants can grow requires daily temperatures below 16 degrees Celsius. Well, that's how dong?


Is it really impossible to plant flowers tulips in Indonesia? Not really, this problem does not exclude the possibility for us to cultivate Tulip Indonesian citizens. All you need to grow tulips in Indonesia:

  1. Green House include Air Conditioner
  2. Radio
  3. plastic Ziplock / Egg cartons / newspapers
  4. culture media
  5. Seed Tulip

well, that's what you need. For information purposes only, seedlings Tulip need the name Cold treatment or the cooling period when they reproduce, so wrap Tulip seeds mentioned in the paper, plastic Ziplock (and will Dewy moldy if you use this, you must be diligent cleaning), or a carton of eggs (egg cartons), then put in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2 degrees Celsius to 17 degrees Celsius. You can also enter the Tulip seeds in a bucket of water and put you in the fridge.

Keep in mind that there are no vegetables or fruits in the refrigerator because it will kill the plants with ethylene gas released vegetable or fruit. For 1-2 weeks, the seedlings are ready for planting tulips.

You can set your growing medium in pots. Leave the bottom layer in the form of small stones and topsoil mixture of 3 cm average thickness of soil, compost, sand in the ratio 3: 2: 1 with a thickness of 25 cm. The top layer of planting medium to give a coarse sand as thick as 1 cm.

The Green House put them in a saucepan with the AC temperature of 16 degrees Celsius or less. Make sure the temperature in the stable so that plants can be grown smoothly Tulip. You do not need kac home if you live in mountainous regions with temperatures cold enough.

If you have any, do the planting. Put the cabbage in each pot, be sure to plant a cabbage position with roots down and potential stem shoots up.

Sprinkle the seeds daily during the dry season, do not forget to keep the sunlight out of the rain season.

After three weeks ago, the seeds will grow and you can see the buds. Perform the usual routine of watering and fertilization do if aged 1.5 months. Give chicken manure or fertilizer NPK beads.

Please note that the fertilizer should be gradual, if the use of NPK fertilizer, enough to give you 2 tablespoon each plant.

After your treatment for 8 months, you TULIP flowering plants. Otherwise, you can accelerate the flowering process by providing morning sun for 1 hour, respectively

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flowers bloom for three weeks and finally the petals will fall. If you have reached this stage, immediately turn off your tulip flowers. Now you Tulip flowers are ready for sale or stored.

Hmm ... A little hard for you? But the results are well worth the effort that we know! First try, if immediately went how can we grow flowers Tulip hehehe ...

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