Oct 14, 2016

Passion Simple Guide

Passion Simple Guide - organic

Simple Guide Culture Passion Organic - There are many types of animals and plants that can be found only in Indonesia, there even some that is characterized by Indonesia.

one of the plants are very popular among the people of Indonesia is the passion fruit.

calling this plant is its fruit, fresh and sweet. Seeing his potential is enormous, many people try to learn the fruit cultivation techniques of passion, both for personal and professional purposes.


If you want to know how to grow these plants, the following things will be considered when growing grapes.

Seed Selection

passion fruit seedlings can be obtained by various means. The easiest way is to buy passionfruit seeds ready for planting.

In addition, you can also make their own nursery. Seeding can be done in two ways, namely through seeds or cuttings using the technique.

Ground Preparation

Then you can start preparing the ground in a way to clear the land of weeds.

If the land has been prepared, then you can start the planting process. The space is ideal for simple plants is 3 x 3 m or 2 x 4 m.

Another thing that encouraged the passion of the planting method is providing a combination of manure to land the top.

Care and Pest

treatment plant is divided into several stages from irrigation, fertilization, pruning, and the manufacture of para-para.

passionfruit plant species including that rely heavily on water. Therefore, regular watering is highly recommended, especially during the dry season.

The fertilization of vines affected by two main factors, namely the growth phase, and the age of the plant fertility and soil. You can use different types of fertilizers with a certain dose.

The other thing that is important is harmful and disease control. There are many types of pests that can threaten the quality of the production of individual plants which are grown as aphids and mites white reeds.

Although this type of disease that is often damages crops passion fruit is rotten woody stem and fruit.

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