Oct 3, 2016

Oranges in the method of organic

Oranges in the method of organic -

Oranges in the method of organic farming - You want to cultivate organic oranges? You are already in the right place. Here, I will explain the steps and ways to grow oranges, organically!

you need to know in advance the requirements for plant life Jeruk! Thus, Oranges plants ...

  • Requires 6-9 months of the rainy season with rainfall of 1000 - .. 2000mm / year
  • Given enough water in July and August
  • ideal temperature is 25-30 degrees Celsius; The ideal humidity of 70-80%; while the soil pH between 5.5 to 6.5.
  • Citrus loved saltwater containing about 10%.
  • Citrus do not like places that are protected from sunlight.

The sequencing of steps to cultivate oranges are as follows :.

  1. Preparation and treatment of land
  2. investment
  3. Fertilizers
  4. The harvest

In the first method, we are required to work the land in advance by hoeing or ditraktor land ready for planting. Make sure the land is located in an open space with a height of 700 -. 1300 meters


Then the prepared planting hole the size of 60 cm x 60 cm x 50 cm about 2 weeks before planting. Then we also prepare the seeds of trees with a pedigree that is enjoyable as fruitful and sweet and so on.

If in doubt, you can buy at the store, but make sure that the envelope neatly, because if the potholes you to parasites or disease was contaminated the seeds you buy.

After the hole and the seed is ready for use, not plant seeds in the hole. The distance between the plant ranges from 4 to 5 m long and 4-6 m wide.

Subsequently, give basic fertilizer to increase growth and root development of plants. Transformed planting medium in the form of 2-10 kg of manure grams of ABG-Bios + (100-300). The application of fertilizers should be about 1-7 before planting.

If yes, fertilization itself that the conditions of soil and healthy plants maintained. You can sprinkle fertilizer NASA POC mixed with water evenly with a dose as directed.

Provide straw mulch, leaves the head, or leaves that are free of the disease around the plant, be sure not to put it touched with a rod of fear can cause decay of the stem .

at the time of the interview, you must pay attention to routine activities such as replanting, weeding, pembumbunan and fruit thinning and pruning to control pests and diseases.

pruning and thinning must be done to form a tree canopy and remove diseased branches. After that, the trimming scars can be closed with a fungicide and wax for preventing the disease.

If in case there is a branch that is damaged or contaminated by pests or diseases, cut and burn in order to avoid a deterrent more spread again.

Read articles:

  • How Culture Papaya For Organic
  • How to Culture Banana By Organic
  • How to culture in Mango pot plants

When you are watering, keep in mind not to excess. Most at least or at least the plants fed once a week during the dry season, when water is not available, you can crumble factories closed with mulch. If the result is out, thinning or wrap the fruit must be done so that parasites can not disturb him.

In the step of harvesting, you are required to collect at maturity optimized for maximum results, so when the age of citrus plants around 28-36 weeks, and it is uncertain changing depending on the variety. While doing the picking, done with scissors cut to make it easier.

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