Oct 29, 2016

How Soursop In organic

How Soursop In organic -

How To Plant Culture Soursop by Organic -. There are many types of soursop fruit plants can be found in Indonesia

In all there are two types are very popular among the people, first honey soursop.

soursop this type is known for its taste a little sweeter than sharing soursop.

flesh is very soft and fresh, no wonder soursop honey is often used as a dessert or juice.


like soursop other no less popular is the queen soursop. Soursop Queen areas Pelabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi.

Size Queen soursop is quite varied, with a soursop fruit texture mealy flesh and sweet.

Similar to honey custard apple, soursop queen also very suitable for consumption in case of fresh or processed into juice.

besides being a daily consumption, fruit trees also began to widely cultivated.

If you are keen to grow these plants organically, the following are some of the things that are important in the culture of soursop fruit plants.


soursop seeds can be obtained in two ways, namely through the nursery seed or through transplantation techniques.

ideal spacing between the soursop tree is one with the other as a timber that must be considered. Spacing plants soursop plants is 3 or 4 x 4 meters x 6 meters, depending on the variety soursop want to be grown and the size of the available land.

Treatment Plant

maintaining soil fertility and maintaining good soil is very important, it is to maintain the quality of soursop fruit to be produced .

Make sure the area around the base of trees protected against weeds. You must also be careful to water the earth, because soursop is very prone to dry land.


good fertilization also highly recommended in the culture of soursop plants.

you can use manure or fertilizer NPK small doses that can be given as much as several times a year.

pest control

most soursop pest can be eradicated in a conventional manner without the use of anti parasite

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you can wrap the bags or paper plastic soursop to use for protection against pests such as fruit flies.

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