Sep 15, 2016

Peanut cultivation method in organic

Peanut cultivation method in organic -

How The peanut farming in Organic -. In Indonesia cultures grown after rice, corn and soybeans are peanuts

Like sorghum were planted to serve as a power plant or intercropping, groundnut (Arachis hypogaea ) were also planted as an interim.

regions with moderate rainfall is an area that is suitable for peanut farming . However, rainfall is too high, causing flowers on difficult plants to pollinate peanut.


In addition, the rainfall is too high also causes the roots become too much moisture causes the mold and a disease that attacks the fruit bean plants are more more fertile.

peanut is more suitable to be planted in loose soil with nutrient enough nutrients in the cultivation of beans are calcium (Ca), potassium (K), phosphate (P) and nitrogen (N).

the light of the full sun is also necessary for the development phase of the leaves of peanut and enlargement of the fruit.

the degree of acidity (pH) suitable for plant seeds the earth is approximately 5 to 6.3. In the generative phase peanut plants need urgently the element Ca. Indeed, the element Ca is an element that is very influential in the growth of peanut plants.

In the organic peanut culture element Ca can be achieved by adding dolomite or agricultural lime at the time of soil preparation.

agricultural lime or dolomite should be added higher on land that has a high degree of acidity or wetland compared to drier land with a degree of alkaline acidity (pH) neutral.

Groundnut Seed required in the growth process. Seeds obtained from peanuts that left parents (about 100 days), the seeds are black, and when she opened it there was no membrane inside the shell peanuts.

Soil Processing

land should digemburkan before being used as a means for growing peanuts. Tillage can be done by plowed land until it becomes a smooth element.

After that, the ground plowed sprinkled lime as much as 2 tons / ha, and let stand for 2 days.

fertilizers used in the cultivation of groundnuts process can use compost or mature manure. peanut crop can be done with beds or without beds.

Each hole in the ground filled with a seed grain plants in each 25 x 25 cm. While for a hectare of land needed 50 kg of seeds. After all the seeds are planted, then rinse every morning and evening.

care in the peanut crop

After a week, peanuts have increased simultaneously. Then, after the peanut was 20 days, peanuts begin to bloom and continue until age 75 days peanuts.

Ginofor will grow up one day to 3-4 after pollination and fertilization, when the fruit will also grow. When ginofor grew up, it will form a pod

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When groundnut plants began overgrown with flowers, should be given extra fertilizer. A good fertilizer in the growth phase, it is a fertilizer that contains much phosphorus, so that the fruit grows and more pleasant.


Peanuts that have been aged 90 days after planting can be harvested. Peanuts can be harvested are peanut stems harden, and the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall down.

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