Oct 20, 2016

How Ornamental Plant Bed

How Ornamental Plant Bed -

How to Plant Rooms ornament - Whoa, whoa ... Jasmine was fine yes. I wanted so much to have ornamental plants in the yard of my house Melati nih. How to do it? Hehehe ...

In fact, I know that you already know how to grow. You want to know something? Okay, I will share this information with you all. Please control review below is how to cultivate ornamental plants Bed!


Ornamental Nursery Bed

Prepare a planting pot with the form of a large, you can also use a polybag. Sowing media containing the sterile mixture of soil and sand, give a hole in the pot bottom for good drainage. Upload your media for seedlings in pots until thick as 20-30 cm, then make watering.

Connect each planting cuttings with a mean between 10-15 cm / one-third the length of the cuttings. Then close the surface of the container nursery with a transparent plastic sheet (transparent), so that the air condition is kept moist.

Keep the condition of the plants to keep healthy, to continuously watering 1-2 times a day and we always go in the morning light.

If own seeds cuttings or roots strong enough aged 1-23 months, moving in the polybag culture medium containing a mixture of soil, sand, and organic fertilizer with a ratio also . Selayak deal until the age of 3 months (watering and fertilizing routine).

Media Processing Plant Jasmine

Now create land for Jasmine. Clean the field sites for Jasmine weeds and rocks that interrupt the process of planting and growth.

So bajaklah floor with cabinet picks ground and let stand for 15 days for the soil to dry. Then make the beds as wide as 100-120 cm, height 30-40 cm, and the distance between beds 40-60 cm adjust the earth.

Adjust the soil pH with the granting of lime or calcification. Give dolomite or hydrated lime if the soil pH is too acidic.

manure spread on the soil surface and evenly mixed with topsoil. Add each planting hole up to 1-3 kg, a dose of manure ranges between 10-30 tons / ha. Size of 40 cm x planting hole 40 cm x 40 cm and the distance between the holes 100-150 cm.

Planting Jasmine

Enter the seeds Melati is located in a poly bag each planting hole you have prepared. Make sure the planting hole contains a Melati seed.

Cover with soil and manure mixture to a meeting, then rinse with water. Make sure the planting site get enough sunlight and soil conditions are not too wet.

Jasmine Care

In the first months after planting, the seeds Melati often die because of savage attacks rumpul or weeds. Perform weeding regularly to keep the budget attacks

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Make fertilization once every three months, the fertilizer used was 300-700 kg urea, STP 300-500 kg KCI and 100-300 kg / ha / year.

Remember to always check the jasmine plants drainage and watering routine so that plants do not suffer Melati floods or drought. Check land and make sanitation pests or diseases.

If infected and the condition is severe, cut portions were attacked and destroyed to prevent the spread of a new disease.

Avoid the use of chemical pesticides, as it can damage the nutrients in the soil. If you regularly in treatment, jasmine plants will bloom and flourish without problems.

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