Sep 9, 2016

How to Plant Propagation Method Using Cuttings coffee

How to Plant Propagation Method Using Cuttings coffee -

How to Plant Propagation coffee Method using cuttings - How to spread the coffee plant can be done vegetatively as cuttings, grafts, Okusa or tissue culture.

but this time I will discuss how to expand the coffee plantation cuttings.

how cuttings can accelerate plant growth and can produce as a parent of origin, but this way can also lead to the collapse of coffee plant often because the roots do not take coffee the body stronger. Because it is also an attack against diseases of young nematodes still

stek kakao

How to multiply the coffee plants using cuttings of robusta coffee by example:.

kin selection

for the first time that must be considered before cuttings from mother plants melakuakn choose quality coffee. Robusta how steknya using clones, preferably the source obtained from research centers or seedlings trusted stores.

Because of Robusta coffee has the kind of cross-pollination, the recommended techniques is a polyclonal system take on many clones.

clone has a range of properties so that the planting is to be combined. In plots can be used 3-4 clones corresponding to environmental conditions

  • tools and materials
  • Prepare Preparation :. Cut leaves, stimulating root, sharp knife nan thin media. growth, hormone manufactured or cow urine
  • Build a culture medium, how: fine sand + compost with a composition of 3: 1
  • Create bendengan under the shade of trees : media grows to about 15 cm, cover with a lid that is about 60 cm of transparent plastic, preferably the lid can be done in the tub and lid to check.
  • penyetekan mechanical

penyetekan should be done at the end of the rainy season by older branches selection of 3-6 months are already brown.

In the sections 2-4 buds make the cut 10 cm by means of tapered tip cuttings slope and to the shearing of the sheets to reduce evaporation.

Put the branches already wet cuttings bags to keep moisture.

Initially fact immersion in liquid root stimulant, then soak for 10-15 seconds on hormone manufactured according to dosage or cow urine 100 ml diluted with 1 liter of water, and then connected to environment, growing bendengan

Connect to a depth of about 5-7 cm and the distance is 15 × 15 cm between the legs

Have watering the heart - the heart as much .. as 1-2 days using gembor to unscrew the lid. After traveling three months and roots began to grow, then cover the lid can be opened only at the age of 4 months, a coffee tree can be moved to a polybag.

breeding coffee

Create a point and since the shadow made PARANET or shingle sheets so that coffee trees washed by rain and direct-sun

at this time, prepare the middle of the floor consists of a mixture of compost and soil while the composition of 1 :. 2 and come in a polybag

Move coffee cuttings in polybag and make watering 1-2 times a day, or depending on the moisture in the soil

Read articles: ..

  • practical ways to maintain and plant Caring Cabe
  • Techniques and ways Side Stepping in cocoa crop
  • How Nursery for cocoa generative?

you can also use cow dung mixture + water + urea ratio fever 10: 10: 1 for fertilization applied directly, and the dose is 1 shells coconut weekly. At the age of about 8-9 months, the coffee plant is ready to be moved to the planting area.

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