Oct 5, 2016

coffee growing techniques and how

coffee growing techniques and how -

How Coffee Culture - Enjoy coffee for society is a form Today inherent habit usually performed in the morning and the afternoon. Although there are people who drink it black outside these hours.

The number of people who love coffee beans as a hot drink as one of the commodity business that bright. Do not rule out the possibility of becoming the coffee seedlings of business are successful if you know the right nursery techniques


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There are certain things that must be understood in order to understand method coffee correctly for maximum results culture. The right technique in coffee plant cultivation process include:

1. Preparing suitable areas

Coffee is a type of plant in the form of shrubs neither too high nor too short. Only the coffee plants grow well in cold climates such as mountainous areas. The plants will also be able to produce the best coffee beans lies on a plate with the structure of the slope.

Land preparation is very important to choose a location that is appropriate to support the growth of the tree. After the sloping implementation of land for crops, then progressed to the stage of the spread of fertilizer. The first is the manure, then added with Natural GLIO were left to rest for about a week.

After the waiting period, you can make some holes in the seeds planted with coffee trees area. The distance between a hole to another hole is 2.5 meters so that the growth of each of the coffee trees do not interfere with each other.

2. The method of coffee preparation seeding

The next step is for the needs of coffee beans nursery plants in a productive and ready for planting. The steps in this nursery, among others:

  • Preparing to plant coffee beans, can be taken from a tree which produced a quality coffee or buy all coffee beans are reliable suppliers.
  • Prepare the flat sand soil layer with a thickness of about 5 cm, and then protect it with Paranet or can also be the stem of the tree trunk.
  • Place or coffee beans scattered in the planting area and make regular watering, about a month the seeds germinate.
  • If the seeds have germinated and appear healthy so carefully can be transferred in a polybag.
  • POC adding fertilizer depending on the age of seedlings, if it has been aged 12 months to give NPK, 4 months of age can be sprayed until the age of Nasa 7 -9 months.

3. The coffee tree planting process

The next steps of how coffee culture is when the coffee plants in polybags have reached the age 7 or 9 months, but won when the next step is carried out when the rainy season. When the rainy season, the growth of the coffee plant will not encounter significant problems when transferred to a new planting medium. As regards the steps of planting requires preparation of its own, such as:

  • Prepare the soil for use as a culture medium which is then mixed with the manure
  • Make water regularly to keep the soil constantly moist. .

Moving coffee plants to the main planting area should also plant cover crops, because the coffee trees susceptible to pests. As regards the pests attacking a wide range, even many farmers lose money because trees eaten by cattle.

plant protector should be sufficient and should not be excessive. Cover crops too would reduce the nutritional intake of coffee trees in the surrounding area. However, in contrast, if too little then the coffee trees will be less protected

Special to select and determine the types of plants suitable as a protector, here are some specific criteria :.

  • Included in the plant that has a root structure that is strong and deep.
  • plant leaves should be small just to continue to provide opportunities leaves coffee trees to grow and photosynthesize.
  • plants can grow independently, without having to be hosts for coffee trees.
  • plant is a good idea to produce organic matter that much which enriches the coffee culture region.

Although seem trivial, but the presence of cover crops is crucial for the prevention of damage to the coffee tree. These cover crops also avoid the coffee beans are ready to be harvested eaten by civet cats or other animals. All types of plants suitable as cover crops, no separate criteria.

Reaching the harvest season is better to choose quality seeds to maintain the satisfaction of consumers who buy from you. Storing coffee beans harvested and there was a time or period of time, not too long. Because of the damage to grains can occur easily, even for the pleasant and healthy coffee. During the seeding process to harvest always provide the appropriate fertilizer coffee culture so achieved can produce.

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