Oct 22, 2016

The Complete Guide to Raising beans

The Complete Guide to Raising beans -

How Beans Agriculture - Plant beans or Phaseolus vulgaris is a vegetable in Leguminoceae family. Although widely used by the people of Indonesia, apparently not many people grow these beans in bulk. If you are a good way to grow beans, chances are very high.

In Indonesia, there are two kinds of beans, which grow vines, and the amount. Beans can spread up to 2-3 meters long, and need the support of the bamboo in order not to fall. Although this kind stand-up height is only 60 cm and no need lenjeran / support.


term life

high ideal that bean plants can live well is at an altitude of 1000-1500 meters above sea level . Some other things you should look for the terms of planting beans are

  • beans can live in an atmosphere of wet or dry
  • While ideally grown in the mountains, even in low-high. 400 meters above the sea level, the beans may still develop.
  • rainfall is needed is 1500-2500 mm / year.
  • the ideal growing temperature is 20-25o C, with a humidity of 55% (average).


Lock start growing beans is good to choose a good seed. Here is what you must do to get quality seeds :.

  • Seed Selection
  • Select seeds of plants that are pleasant, with the power to grow 80-85%
  • The lapidary form and intact.
  • Uniforms, not mixed with other varieties of beans.
  • color is bright, clean, pest / disease, and eye seeds are brown spot.
  • Preparation of seed
  • drying the fruit of beans in the sun for 1-2 days to dry.
  • Peel the skin, remove seeds for seedlings.
  • to keep it, store in a clean glass bottle filled with wood ash to cover. Store in a dry place at a temperature of 18-20o C, and beans can last from 6 months to 3 years.

Ground Preparation

For the cultivation of beans a good way, before loosening the soil and planting seeds, prepare the soil mixed with compost / manure 1-2 weeks early. Only then you loosen the soil. If sour conditions give lime to neutralize.

Build beds with a height of 20-30 cm and a width of 1 meter, the length depending on the land. Adjust the distance between 30-40 cm beds.

Make a hole in the bed with the distance between rows 50-60 cm, and in rows 30 cm. You can go into the compost / manure in the hole about 20 tons / ha. Allow 1-3 days


planting beans without direct sowing into the hole you created above. Fill each hole as much as 2-3 seeds, cover and land use. If the soil is dry enough, watered regularly. For every hectare, you will need about 50 kg of seeds.

Choux will start to appear about 3-7 days after planting.


So that this plant can grow well, the beans must be treated regularly, consider this:

  1. fashion

Have seam before 10 days. Change the seed that is not managed to develop a new one.

  1. Altitude plots

Grow seedlings after bean plants 20 days old and also 40 days. It is intended to stimulate the roots to grow, strengthen the plants and the soil structure by now.

  1. Pruning

For a more branches more and more, the trim snaps when old plants 2 weeks and 5 weeks later.

  1. fertilizer

Apply fertilizer and 10 cm from the plant, and closed again. Give when 14-21 days old plants.

  1. Watering

If you plant in the dry season, garden watering twice a day at the age of 1-15 days. But if the rainy season, you should try to get rid of excess water in the ditch.

  1. Pests and diseases

Leave biological pesticide bean plants from extracts kipait or yam bush. Another way is to crop rotation, removal of crop residues can be harmful, and cleaning diligently insect eggs.

harvesting and storage

When the bean plants were aged 60 days, then this plant is ready for harvest. The features are:

  • seeds in the pods are indistinguishable
  • The surface of the skin is rather rough
  • The color of the young pods and is also dark
  • If the pods are broken, will be popping sound.

you should as soon as possible to prevent the plants from Cercospora disease bean crop beans. Do not pick the fruit with a knife or sharp tools, but handpicking manually. This is to avoid injury in bean pods.

The harvest will take place gradually until 2-3 days, so the pods ripen uniformly. If you were to harvest the beans 7-8 times, or 80 days, then it's time to stop. If the way the beans cultivation is done correctly, then yields could reach 150 quintals / ha.

Because the beans quickly wilted or damaged, you should cherish. Keep in the shade with a temperature 5-10o C and humidity of 85-90%. So well kept, chickpeas hold 2-3 weeks

Read also :. The Easy Way In Cultivating long Bean

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