Sep 7, 2016

How Tinospora cordifolia Culture

How Tinospora cordifolia Culture -

How To Plant Culture Brotowali -. Tinospora cordifolia is a plant that is widely used the community as one of the traditional ingredients of reconciliation in Indonesia


plant that has a unique taste that is bitter can be planted everywhere, both of plain and height are important to him, the plant Tinospora cordifolia have enough sun

But most Indonesian community planted in the house or the edge - the edge of their fields, considering planting a practice and have high profits for the health of the body


is how to grow plants Tinospora cordifolia :.

soil preparation

  • Set captivity Tinospora cordifolia a month before planting.
  • Make a hole 20 x 20 x 30 cm and is 1m x 1m.
  • Write fertilizer each hole as much as 0.5 to 1 kg, which was mixed with the soil.
  • Create pole climbing life or death, because the growth of the plant propagation Tinospora cordifolia. If you use live plants, select plants whose life is fast and powerful.

Prepare the seed

Generally Tinospora cordifolia planted by stem cuttings so that the uniform growth.

  • Select Tinospora stem cordifolia pleasant, healthy and already quite old.
  • Cut a 5 cm long, 10 cm or 15 cm. But the results showed that the length of cuttings is best to stem that has a length of 10 cm
  • Prepare a poly bag and fill it with compost soil mixed with a ratio of 1 :. 1.
  • plant cuttings strains in polybag and tunaskan to 3-4 Sunday. If you want the shoots grow quickly and then use the coconut milk or atonik.
  • If they grow leaves, then move the plants that have uniform growth and healthy.


  • Sobek plastic polybags slowly -. slowly
  • Enter the seeds in the holes that have been previously created in the liver. - Liver and
  • Compress the soil around the plant to grow vigorously.
  • Leave the mulch can include dry leaves, litter or straw to prevent the growth of weeds.


  • fertilizer

use of organic fertilizers as manure or compost, it aims to prevent negative effects on crops if use of chemical fertilizers.

  • Weeding

Weeding or weeding can be done when the plant Tinospora cordifolia 1 month, or it could be as bad grasses start to grow and disrupt Tinospora cordifolia growth.

weeding should not use herbicides, but can by manual or with weeds bruised soil.

  • pruning climbing branches

If you choose the escalating cordifolia Tinospora with the life of the plant, must be home branches - the branches, so as not to interfere with the growth of the cordifolia Tinospora as it spreads

  • Directions Tinospora cordifolia

Tinospora cordifolia is a plant that lives spread, so that it could spread to the growth of any origin. Thus, the need to define the direction away from where, in order to facilitate harvesting.

If there is a branch hanging Tinospora cordifolia can be controlled by a rope using a rope or plastic straps possible to facilitate their spread.

  • Eradication of the disease

Usually the disease in Tinospora cordifolia Diocoreophylly Cercosporella, could be solved by reducing the auspices of the spread of plants Tinospora cordifolia.

  • Fight against pests

Elimination of parasites can be done by spraying an extract of Nimba 2 weeks, once before harvest.

  • harvest

Tinospora is ready to harvest when the stem - stem is dark brown, namely by cutting the trunk - the trunk . If you want simplisia Tinospora cordifolia, the rod can be cut into rough dried

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