Aug 28, 2016

Types of Nursery What to know

Types of Nursery What to know -

Nursery Types What you should know - nursery or daycare is an area or point of activity to treat seeds, has become a novice, until ready to be planted in specific areas such as fields and gardens.

In addition, the nursery activities begin the process of penanama activities. To achieve the success of the plantation, determined in the process of nursery plants.

Sowing the seeds can be made directly, but some are indirectly or must the nursery in advance.


plant directly, usually performed on seeds of plants that have a large size medium, and the number of persediannya much.

Thus, even if the seed has great size but persediannya only slightly, the seeds must first be planted first.

planting nursery seedlings somewhere to make after planting, plants from the nursery ready to plant or high, for example, Berbah great size and age of the seedlings reach 8 to 10 months.

planting seeds through a process that starts from planting nursery, plus a guarantee of success when planted.

further monitoring easier to use, more effective seed and the quality of results is ensured through direct seeding. Interest

Types of Nursery

In general, the nursery can be divided into two types of nurseries and nursery all remain.

1). Cultivator While

nursery of this type are usually small and are close to the ditanamai area, but it is used only for part of the harvest season which is at most 5 years.

advantages :.

  • seed transport costs Cost of
  • little work is required to make it more efficient
  • Nursery always moving
  • Conditions ecological approach the real situation

Disadvantages :.

  • the cost of expensive nursery
  • Skill officer least
  • frequently changing officials.

2). Keep nurseries

nursery of this type are usually large and location to settle in a place to serve more and more areas are very spacious. In addition, the nursery of this type are used in the time of this long harvest is at least 25 years

Advantages: ..

  • The soil fertility can be maintained, with mpemberian fertilizers
  • can be done mechanically, if desired.
  • Maintenance and supervision are very fisien.
  • skills increasingly committed, the officers stayed and the majority are experts in their fields.
  • are higher productivity of seeds and growth simultaneously

Disadvantages :.

  • state of ecology is far from the truth
  • transportation costs more. expensive compared to any nursery.
  • Requires a high cost, when you first nursery.

Although nursery seedlings are more expensive compared to the nursery while, but for maternal quality seedlings company remains more quality and quality assurance.

due to the expert, to produce quality seed.

interest Making nursery

  • Provides maximum growth
  • Optimal Maintenance
  • plants will be more adaptable
  • To replace the plants die.

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