Aug 26, 2016

the culture techniques of rubber plants for beginners

the culture techniques of rubber plants for beginners -

Rubber Plant Method culture - A very interesting information, and an opportunity that the forecast in the next two decades is expected to be in short supply in the rubber alam.Sehingga meanwhile, the position of natural rubber prices are relatively high.

There is good momentum for Indonesia to push for the accelerated replanting of rubber.

following is simply information on the base rubber cultivation for beginners include:

Step Preparation

Budidaya tanaman karet

in a first step that must be prepared for the rubber tree plantation namely:

  • rubber plants should be planted at temperatures between 240C s / d 280 C
  • [/dde2000mm/years
  • precipitation 1500
  • levels of sunlight between 5 s / hours d7 / day

seed selection step

the first step we will do is to make the selection of seeds for planting material that has properties of both, some charged that must be addressed include:

  • seed plants rubber placed in a clean bag umbrella
  • Select grafting eyes were really good and leaves [
  • for good growth saratnya district is developing well and
    have lateral roots
  • freedom of root fungus disease or fungus white root.

Step plantation

Make the planting of rubber trees is best around / d from September to December precisely when the rainy season

taken :.

  • bikinlah hole deep hole about 60 cm, 60 x 60 cm upper and 40 cm x 40 cm down.
  • planting distance Position for light soils 45cm x 45cm x 30 cm, for a weight of 60 cm x 60 cm x 40 cm from the ground.
  • Then separate the second part of the ground and put the soil on the top floor to the left and down on the right side.
  • , and then mixing the soil that the right side with RP fertilizers up to 100 grams per hole, in addition to the addition of urea fertilizer 50 grams and SP 36, as much as 100 grams as basic fertilizer.
  • , then let stand a hole that had been dug earlier for 1 month so that the hole was exposed to wind and sun
  • . then after a month left in place, then the rubber planting seedlings that were selected earlier. Then insert the plants in the planting hole that was provided earlier, then Save with further soil Store up ground on the first left and follow the ground on the right that has been mixed with manure before.
  • Make stance marker parallel to the ground, then condense the soil around the plants so that the seeds do not swing easily moved, then sleep strain trying to cope in the wind direction.
  • after the age of 14 days after planting, plants diseputarnya soil in general form a pool if like this, to add land to rear surrounding ground level surface.

Maintenance phase

this stage is divided into three, namely cutting replanting later draws false and an attempt to provoke and stimulate increase in new branches.


new seed is planted should be checked every two weeks for three months after planting. This examination is important, especially if the plant material used is sleep stum eyes ..

suggested sewing process is made with the form of planting materials that have a relative age of seplantaran approximately equal to or slightly older plants are embroidered.

Cutting false shoots

shoots are wrong in rubber plants are shoots that grow in place of the eye transplant. Shoots wrong must be cut so that the population growth and plant remains good and optimal.

Stimulates branching

For the growth of the rubber factory in the mature phase will generally follow a provision of cycle generally, this means that at some point will grow without rubber plant height to form a leaf umbrella.

During the umbrella yet ripe shaped sheets, large plants do not grow, and when the leaves on the umbrella leaves plants elderly grow up without forming an umbrella leaves and so on.


watering is done at the beginning of rubber tree seedlings planted in the account after more than a Sunday , pemulshingan do well on the plant which is what remains is new seedlings planted yet, because the plant is still sensitive or vulnerable to heat from the sun is too hot. Watering the plants is recommended and evening


Usually, the size of the dose of fertilizer plant rubber compound 2 xi per year. In the rubber factory was 6 s / d 15 years

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