Aug 2, 2016

Free and method Organic Papaya cultivation

Free and method Organic Papaya cultivation -

Papaya In the method of organic farming - Hmm ... What do you mean how the culture of papaya is good and right? Here is the information I give to answer your questions!

you need to know in advance the requirements instilling a papaya fruit. Papaya Plant is a plant that can grow well in lowland areas with an altitude of 700-1000 masl rainfall 1000 -. 2000 mm / year

temperatures around the environment should be around 22-26 degrees Celsius in conjunction with the humidity 40% and the winds are not too strong.


The soil should be fertile place to grow well, loose, containing humus and can hold a lot of water. The condition of the soil pH should be neutral (pH 6-7), should not be too acidic or too alkaline, because it will affect the growth of the papaya.

If you already understand, straight to the point. You must first know the key points as follows:

  1. The selection of seeds and seedlings
  2. Soil Processing as culture media
  3. Investment
  4. maintenance and care of plants

Selection of seeds and seedlings


Select seeds ripe fruit that has really come of trees selection. Rinse the seeds until the skin is wrapped lost seeds, then dry in the shade.

Use fresh beans as seeds. Seed needs about 60 grams / hectare, soak the seeds in a solution of the NASA POC 2 cc / liter for 1-2 hours, drain and then tebari Natural GLIO semailah polybag size 20 x 15 cm.

The medium used is a mixture of 2 earth buckets + 1 bucket of manure + 50 grams TSP already delicate + 30 grams Natural GLIO

Enter the seeds to a depth of 1 cm and cover with soil. Siramlah regularly until the seeds germinate after 12-15 days. After 45-60 days, the altitude reaches 15-20 cm, the seedlings are ready for planting.

If plants are grown, at the age of 2-3 months, it can be moved to the beginning of the rainy season.

land as a media mill

Ensure that the area under sterile conditions and the soil is tilled or lumpy. Shape dimensions seedbed of 100 x 200 x 20 centimeters units (to adjust the length of the earth).

then make a hole the size of 50 x 50 x 40 centimeters units on beds with a spacing of 2 meters long and 2 to 5 meters in width.

Add dolomite if the soil pH is too low. Make sure before you give fertilizer, the soil is dried for 1 week. The fertilizers used can be mature or SUPERNASA manure.


planting holes measuring 60 cm x 60 cm x 40 cm were dug up in rows. Before implantation, the first hole then let the sunlight around a day or a week.

Fill the holes with soil mixed with manure and let 2-3 days for the soil to settle. It was not until the hole is ready for planting. Each hole can be filled 3-4 seeds, after waiting a few months to develop.

Maintenance and Plant Care

For servicing, thinning and replanting of crops that have been started flowering.

not forget to do weeding so that the growth of papaya is not disturbed by the grass liat.Berikan also organic fertilizer periodically to always keep the soil moist.

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course, watering also because papaya requires a good amount of water, but keep in mind is to not let stagnate the water in the plant because the conditions are not like papaya plants, make sure that soil drainage is good enough.

in the dry season, papaya should be watered frequently than other seasons. Do also controls pests and plant diseases, if ever conditions download very serious disease and burn these plants to prevent spreading.

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