Jul 23, 2016

Ways and tips Culture Bligo (Labu Besar)

Ways and tips Culture Bligo (Labu Besar) -

How To Plant Culture Bligo - Lots of variety of plants that made a very good property and also the benefits that are good for health, especially the human body.

no rarely consumed vegetables can be used as medicine by accident. Because it can menyebmbuhkan a wide range of human diseases.

Because vegetables naturally contain many vitamins and minerals that can help the body get rid of toxins and restore the body work properly.


The existing facilities of the pumpkin-labuan otherwise known as winter melon culture. Ordinary people call Bligo.

The plant is a drug commonly used to treat dysentery or gastrointestinal tract that is not good. and how medicinal plants cultivation?

The seed selection and planting

For winter melon plants will be planted there are two kinds of seeds that you can choose which hybrid seeds in the package can be obtained at the farm shop, but it is the seed that you can create yourself.

If you want to use seed house, taking the fruit of plants that are old and in the sun to dry the fruit.

when finished, take the seeds inside the fruit so that the seed can be a plant seed winter melon you next.

planting winter melon crops

first seed before planting should be done winter melon mixed insecticide Marshal.

this serves to prevent insects that eat the seeds to plant. then make a hole with a distance of 100 cm above the bed

Put 2 perlubang seeds and cover the hole with a bit of Bokashi or soft ground.

Do not forget to flood water beds or kocor if it does not rain. If the rainy season, made a little water to the flow of water so as not pooled and washed beans or even rot.

Fertilizer Plants

There are two ways of fertilization can be done by you when growing winter melon. First stocked only then ditimbung use of land, both in kocor or sprayed on the soil for fertilization.

If dikocor performed 1 week once with a mixture of fertilizer dissolved in water, and drained into the stems of the plants if the fertilizer is.

to the ground is stored create deep boreholes distance of 5 cm and the rod 7-10 cm. Then input solid fertilizers and mix them with soil.

Plants Pemelihraan

When your culture would be made pembumbunan or weeding to remove weeds that can be done once a week or every two weeks.

after not install headers at the age of one week after planting. election headers must be strong because the melon fruit winter could reach 2 kg weight.

Installing the shape of the canopy of a house or wood pieces of melon part of winter will be hanged without falling until cooked. As pumpkin, pumpkin but can be placed on the ground, winter melon should hang in the air.

The harvesting of the fruit

The fruit harvest can be done when the fruit is off-white, the fruit was large and stems are shrinking, and was about 50 or HST days after planting.

you can harvest it by cutting the fruit stalk with a knife or pick. It's good harvest while still on the tree, afraid of old fruit on the trees and rotting, it will reduce the production yield

Read article :.

  • How Culture kencur
  • How To Plant Culture melinjo
  • How To Plant Culture Tinospora cordifolia

Then you need watch properly and see if the winter melon is already mature or not. Well, good growing winter melon

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