Jul 26, 2016

How garlic Culture Using poly bag

How garlic Culture Using poly bag -

How Garlic Farming Using poly bag - Garlic is one of the herbs that should exist as a flavor enhancer, in particular properties at birth is much garlic is very well known in the community.

Therefore, it is very beneficial if done as a farm business if given the various benefits and certainly use every day.

But you do not get discouraged because you do not have enough garlic farmers land funds actually.

bawang putih

There are other ways that you can plant garlic, without having to use large areas of land

. you can use the polybag to cultivate even a polybag harvest is lower compared to the garlic planted in the ground. Even so can be said is simple and easy to perform

Here I share how to grow the use of media garlic polybag :.

1. Determine the time of planting

Before planting garlic, you must know when garlic right time can develop well and minimal defaults.

It is suggested to plant garlic when the sun shines for example, when the dry season can be torrid, the important thing is not when the rainy season.

2. Preparation of seed

To plant seeds of garlic garlic itself is fresh, can use onions daughter already sprouted or have not germinated.

To create a new bud you can peel and store it in the refrigerator for one to two weeks to grow sprouts. Regarding the onions in grass, regular onions peeled enough and immediately planted.

3. Prepare the soil and polybag

The soil is one of the main ingredients in planting using polybags this, prepare the soil was mixed with sand and manure, do not use sticky clay, especially garlic do not like the type of soft ground. Prepare a poly bag that is ready to fill with the soil mixture.

4. Plantation

  • Enter the field in polybag moderation
  • Make a hole as deep as 2-3 cm and add the garlic with the tip of cloves on top of an amount, cover with soil and leaving purpose not covered with earth.

5. Maintenance

  • Make water every day, but not until the conditions of drought or excess water alias tarnishing soil.
  • Develop Yat can be exposed to direct sunlight, as it can help to develop and produce great results.
  • Try to give fertilizer once a week, preferably organic fertilizer.
  • at the age of 2 weeks, usually garlic leaves began to grow, and at that time usually so many parasites that attack note with jelly every leaf and stem, as this could damage the growth of garlic.
  • at the age of 90-100 days, usually onions are ready to harvest, if onions can develop fertile for planting.

So how to grow garlic using polybag media and how it can be practiced by those of you who want to have a mini garden despite the lack of land.

Read other articles:

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in this way can also be used for those who want to save on monthly expenses for buy garlic on vegetable vendors package.

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