Jul 21, 2016

How Culture Cincau Black

How Culture Cincau Black -

How to plant Cincau Black Culture -. Who does not know the grass or green jelly in the community better known under the working name or CAD

Everything must have known and would often meet on the market or roadside as drink thirst in times of the day.

therefore the black grass jelly lovers is quite a lot, it would not hurt if you Ian grow these plants?


Furthermore, the planting process da care not as difficult. Here's how the culture of black grass jelly.

Land preparation

Before planting look for land suitable for planting the black grass jelly. Only then cleared of vegetation such as weeds and wild grasses from the roots.

Just then a thin hoe on this earth. If you already do not forget to make a hole that is 50 x 50 cm between the holes where the grass seeds jelly that was given manure around 6-9 tonnes per 1 hectare.

Breeding black grass jelly

When the nursery, choose the seeds of a clump of frozen grass old black and make sure it has a high water with trees about 15-20 cm. Prepare to 2.5 -. 3 tons of black grass jelly cuttings 1 hectare


black grass jelly plant during its growth require a considerable amount of water, and soil conditions are certainly very fluid anyway.

therefore, should plant the seeds are at the beginning of the rainy season. Planting to 2-3 cuttings of frozen grass plants on every hole

When the seedlings are aged approximately 5-20 days of planting appear sheet - .. New leaves are green


  • fertilization I

When plants are less than a month, if this plant in the use of fertilizer N and P fertilizer is 2 1.

generally requires 1 hectare to 132 kg of manure for fertilizer N and up to 68 kg for each type of fertilizer P. fertilize plants as much as 0.5 to 1 tablespoon that is put into the hole in the measuring 10-15 cm of the plant.

  • fertilization II

II fertilization may be carried out after 2 months old plants. Usually distributed directly to plant black grass jelly with rows of plants as far as 20-25 meters from the parent plant black grass jelly.

  • Weeding

perku Weeding done to prevent the growth of plants in disturbed black grass jelly.

So, when you see weeds or grass growing nuisance immediately clean the roots to prevent new growth.

  • Hama

in general, green jelly grass plants attacked by caterpillars soil pests, moth, soundness, track reach, termites and white.

If the condition is not serious, the caterpillars can be taken manually, but while severe conditions just use a pesticide in a manner of spraying.

  • disease

Usually the diseases that attack plants grass black jelly is a powder sticks of disease.

attacks of disease of the plant when the age of about 10-20 days. So when the disease attacks just overcome with fungicides.


black plant grass jelly usually grow flowers at the age of about 4 months after planting.

harvest when the plants are old which were then cut with a sickle and the sun to dry

Read also:

  • How To Plant Culture Daun Dewa
  • ways and tips Culture Bligo (Labu Besar)
  • How to plant Culture kencur

for grass jelly young puppies plant could be left only to grow as a parent, usually a hectare of black grass jelly to produce 7.5 to 9 tons and 1.5 tons of wet frozen grass frozen grass to dry.

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How Culture Cincau Black
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