Sep 3, 2016

Wheat basic technique Culture

Wheat basic technique Culture -

Technical Culture from wheat - Wheat Culture is one of the staple crops for humans, in addition to the crop rice that is indeed the main species for the people of Indonesia and several other countries of the Asian continent.

Indonesia consumption of foods such as bread and noodles for developing very high, so that the demand for wheat also increased.

This is because wheat is one of the main ingredients used in making bread and noodles. But Indonesia is still rare farmers who develop wheat.


To meet the wheat requirements, the government still relies on the production of wheat imported from oversea. In fact, if one looks closely wheat has many advantages, such as:

  • The main ingredient of noodles, bread, ice cream, pudding, macaroni
  • can be used as an ingredient in the manufacture of ornaments, handicrafts and papermaking
  • feeds for farm animals

besides wheat also has the advantage where farmers grow the culture of wheat, namely the costs involved in the fertilization process is not too expensive, even compared less.

wheat plants also more resistant to pests bird, a kernel enriched grain. Compared with the rice harvest, the wheat crop is easier to harvest.

Developing the culture of wheat, could actually be done in Indonesia. This is supported by the soil and climatic conditions are suitable for growing wheat.

In wheat growing process, and how to grow rice, even easier than wheat growing rice. Therefore, if you are interested in growing wheat crops following a technique of rice cultivation.

Land and Climate for growing wheat

for growing wheat, land necessary to an elevation of about 800 meters above the sea ​​level (800 meters above the sea level), and the temperature between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius.

wheat crops requires about 600 mm of rain per year with a humidity of 80 to 90%, and the irradiation intensity of about 9 to 12 hours a day. The type of soil used to grow wheat that is ground Andesol, alluvial, or gray latosol regosol.

How livestock and land conversion

Before being used for the cultivation of wheat, land used to plow first with a hoe or a tractor. The soil dug as deep as 25 to 30 cm.

This was done in the area of ​​land used to plant wheat should be soft ground. Once the land is over plowed, the soil is left for 7 days to the ground to avoid the toxic elements.

streams After making beds with a width of 200 cm, on the sidelines of the beds was made.

Process nursery can be done when the soil is hijacked. For a wheat plant seed can be done by sowing the seeds of wheat, as well as by planting wheat seed directly above the bed

Timing of planting

to develop the culture of the time wheat most ideal harvest in April-May or the beginning of the dry season and end of the rainy season.

Once the wheat is planted, the land should remain to provide fertilizer and watering regularly enough. Moreover, after 30 days or a month wheat were planted, then make a second fertilization. wheat harvest will start sowing after 50 days of planting and filling seed will take place within 80 days after the wheat is grown

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