Sep 6, 2016

Techniques and how sweet corn Culture

Techniques and how sweet corn Culture -

How Farming sweet corn - Sweet corn, or often called with Zea mays saccharata is corn plants that often eaten like corn or vegetables.

due to low sugar calorie trend now begun paste, prestige sweet corn sugars derived also increased. Because it is the sweet corn sales value itself is quite high in the market.

Already thinking about growing sweet corn? How sweet corn cultivation is a bit difficult, it is because it is much more susceptible to pest attacks compared with regular corn. However, when the culture is done well, the harvest will be also very maximum. Here the culture step sweet corn.


corn Photos

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obtaining sweet corn seed


Figure seed sweet corn

in the first step, you should have the first sweet corn seed. Try to get seeds that have a high quality. Good seed is the result that comes from higher varientas even free of various diseases and physical disabilities.

With this selection of appropriate seeds, your crops will be abundant. For quality seeds, you can get it from farmers who have common culture and have abundant harvests. How to grow sweet corn that is unlike anything else would be useless if the seeds you have a low quality.

Cultivating cropland

How to plant corn next step was to prepare the ground for the plant media. The following steps can help you, among other things:

  • Hoes land to produce the soft earth. Let stand for about a week to dianginkan
  • Clear the land of weeds in unison when hoeing the earth
  • For soil that has high acidity that is PH least 5 you can add lime dolimit using a dose of 1 ton 2 hectares of land,
  • do not forget to give fertilizer to feed the soil so that the soil has a fertility rate that is better
  • When cultivated, it is that you do not have to make the beds, you will need to do so that the drainage of rain water does not stagnate. Making the drainage at a distance of 4 meters
  • do tugalan the planting hole to a depth of 5 cm, the distance between holes is 30 x 60 cm.

How to plant


picture corn planting process Seeds

Once the land to plant sweet corn is ready, you can put seeds into the hole that has been created. The sweet corn plantation best start at the beginning of the rainy season, and in each hole you just filled with seeds. It aims to enable the growth of the maximum corn.

prickly plants

After the seeds were aged less than a week, you can check the growth of sweet corn plants, replacing some of the seeds failed that can not develop perfectly with the new seeds to produce a more uniform growth of the plant. How to growing sweet corn at this stage is called the sewing factory.

Plants Crossing

Once the plant has aged less than 2 weeks from the time of planting, you can clean the weeds growing around the plant to help hand or with a hoe. To achieve maximum results, you can remove the weeds by using natural means and not to use pesticides.

At this stage, doing all the affixing of the plant to corn stalks will not collapse easily. In this way, collecting lands around the roots of corn plants to form a mound of earth to build the plant. This process may be performed after affixing corn plants aged 1 month after planting.


Once you go through a range of steps above, you should also make watering a systematic way. In addition, planting during the dry season, at least you should be watering every day, but not until the water used to rinse too excessive. The purpose of watering to keep moisture in the soil so that plants are not drought.


Make no mistake, though in the early stages you made fertilization, but after planting corn and increasingly, you also still need fertilization. The additional fertilization can use manure or artificial fertilizers, which would keep the land in order to remain fertile and rich in nutrients. Fertilization can be made from corn two months.

harvest period


Figure corn is ready Harvested

for the crop, sweet corn is flowering after 50 days. Ten days when you make an important crop species, it is better that you harvest corn, in this period will grow 2 ears of corn, you can harvest corn at the bottom. Harvesting cobs that this young man is and the contribution and nutrients are in main cob was filled. The main crops can be performed after the age of 65 to 75 days.

Such measures how sweet maize cultivation that you can apply!

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