Sep 12, 2016

Culture Gerbera ornamentals Techniques

Culture Gerbera ornamentals Techniques -

ornamental Gerbera Mechanical Plant -. Gerbera is a species of herbaceous ornamental plants are not trunked

In general, the Indonesian people mengenalt gerbera as algebra or Hébras.

gerbera plants is one of the plants that come from abroad and are expected to come from North Africa South Africa and Russia.


on this occasion penuli want to share articles on procedures are growing gerbera ornamentals. Here are the techniques you need to know:

Seeding Process Gerbera

1). Conditions seed

The seeds were selected from seed that has the power to grow high. If you want to buy the store, remember to always pay attention to the expiration date.

gerbera plants seeds obtained from coverage anakannya much growth of normal, the prolific flowering parent, healthy and come from multiple plants of superior quality.

2). The establishment of seed

Seeds derived from the seeds sown before pindahtanamkan field.

Seeding can be done on seeding tanks or pot-potyang small diameter size and size.

preferably the media for seedlings We provide plastic lid to keep moisture and air temperature remains stable and protected, exposed to direct sunlight.

Seed who won the top species tissue culture soon we enter a vessel containing a sterilization Clorax 30 percent material. Then do the sterilization process for 20 minutes.

After sterilization degan Clorax completed, we immediately sterilization recharged using HgCl2 20 percent with less than 5 minutes, then rinse with pam use of water or well water is sterile 5 times.

Mechanical Making Seed sowing

1). Seeding the bath nursery

Make sure to select the location of where the seedlings sunlight in the morning or in the room who get artificial light with a power of 40 watts / m 2

and we prepare the media for seedlings in the form of a mixture of fertile soil and sand smooth and or manure that has matured in the value of the ratio of 1 1: 1.

2). Seeding with chicks

Seeds chicks who we clean on the floor, the old leaves and roots, is now ready to be planted in the land of the nursery. The range of growing size is 5 x 10 cm.

3). Maintenance Nurseries

We had a routine for watering every day 1 or 2 times depending on the weather. Fertilization We did 3 weeks after sowing.

fertilizer solution consists of 5 to 10 grams of NPK in a water solution of 10 liters, while for foliar fertilizer, the concentration We adjust to the recommendation.

3). Seed Moving

origin Daril seed seeds We are now ready pindahtanamkan after the leaves have 3-5 rooms.

Seeds derived from tissue culture is ready for planting when it has a relatively large, while the seeds that came from loan sowing We pindahtanamkan when seedlings are strong enough.

Media Processing plantation

1). Preparation of

choose strategic and suitable land, and own bad pengangu herbs, then if deep enough up to 30 cm in the soil structure are posted. So please allow the soil treated for 10 to 15 days.

2). Erasing

The soil is treated with a technique that is exactly the stage of preparation of the above. Then put the poles as high as 100 to 150 cm on the west, 80 to 100 cm on the east side.

3). Beds Training

The shape of the beds with a width of about 60 to 80 cm, a height of about 30 cm and the distance between beds of about 40 to 60 cm .

Then we will make a moat around drain if there is more water and also as a channel for irrigation when plants need watering.

4). Liming

In soils with low soil acidity (less than 5 years) need for us to add agricultural lime such as calcite, dolomite or Zeagro. The dose is the range of 1 to 4 t / ha depending on the level or amount of pH and soil type.

5). Fertilizers

When the raised bed do not forget to add manure to 20 Sapai with 30 tons / ha, then spread it evenly, then mix it with the land use while inverted.

planting technique

1). Determining planting Pattern

The planting width of the hole and hoe leaves at a distance of about 20 to 25 centimeters lines and about 35 to 40 centimeters between rows.

2). mechanical plant

Moisten first planting hole to wet the seeds, then tanamk by the way is standing in the middle of the planting hole and then while we were in a hurry Land area in the base of the plant. Then moisten with a little watering.


1). Spacing and Broder

If there are plants that are damaged or die as soon as possible we should Embroideries or replace the plants in good condition on the same hole immediately.

2). Weeding

Aiming to clear the area growing area of ​​noxious weeds and tilling the soil while making process. Weeding about a week after about a month after planting and transplant process.

3). Fertilizers

The fertilization process we do once a month. types of fertilizer is recommended NPK and other microelements.

4). Irrigation and watering

The watering process we do once or twice a day.

Some authors who can pass on this occasion. . Hopefully useful

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