Sep 2, 2016

Apples In Method organic

Apples In Method organic -

How Apples Organic agriculture -. Apples have been known by the people as a fruit that can cure and prevent all kinds of diseases

apples as the only fruit that can be eaten for most people affected by the disease. Because the beneficial properties of this profusion Apples grown in Indonesia.

Of course there Apples are grown non-organic and organic. You can be sure, the benefits of Apple and its capacity will be reduced through the cultivation of non-organic.

Therefore, it is advisable to grow apples organically health and apples efficiency can be maintained.


Here's how to grow organic apples:

Potato Preparation

In seed selection of course, very important to look at the pedigree of where seed was taken. You can take the apple seeds of the parent who has the sweet fruit, stems are sturdy and resistant to pests and diseases.

While ideally, therefore, find the perfect seed is not easy. If it is difficult to find sires for you, you can buy in stores for Apel seeds as recommended by the seller.

Choose seeds that wrapped correctly (no holes) because it is possible that the seed has been contaminated by parasites or more disorders may come in the package.

you can reproduce apples by the method of vegetation and generative methods. Using generative method is using apple seeds you have, this method is rarely used because the selection process is long and quite difficult. vegetative methods most commonly used are the stem cuttings, grafting, and connections.

If you are interested in using cuttings, cut off a branch of apple length of 20 cm and bottom menyelupkan solution Rotton F. It is used to stimulate root growth to grow faster.

Land preparation and planting of the media

Apples Plants need soil that is loose, airy, good drainage and good porosity. For pH appropriate soil is about 6-7 with a sufficient water content.

Land suitable for growing apples is latosol, Andosol or Regosol. Make sure you take care of apples in a country that is flat (not very tilted) because it will be difficult for future growth cones. Plants Apples can pay off well with a height of 700 -. 1200 above sea level

Hoes where you want to use as a ground soil so loose, making removal bully like weeds and rocks that are in your country


in if in doubt, make the planting hole 50 x 50 x 50 cm to 1 x 1 x 1 m on your land. Make them liming if soil pH is too acidic, so do not forget to give as much as 20 kg of manure to land equally. Siramlah with water and then wait up to two weeks for the country is ready for planting.

Planting Seeds Apples

It is advisable to plant the apple at the beginning of the rainy season to make it easier irrigation.

Enter planting potatoes in the center of the planting hole, after all entered, press the floor slowly until the seed is firmly rooted and straight, then rinse with water.

Plant Maintenance apples

be sure to perform regular watering, replanting, and weeding is sufficient.

seams do if there are plants that die, look at the state of the earth and free of weeds that disrupt the apple crop will be. Cut unnecessary parts or unhealthy Apples to maintain their health.


If you are already taking care of him until the age of 4-5 months, the fruit of the apple plants by variety and weather conditions. Harvesting is best done when the fruit is fully ripe

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