Aug 27, 2016

How to grow seed watermelon fruit not The high economic value

How to grow seed watermelon fruit not The high economic value -

How to Grow Watermelon non Seeds Fruit - seedless watermelon or more popularly known as seedless name of watermelon is the hybrid watermelon F - 1 which has each relative - .. each derived from tetraploid female parents with diploid watermelon of a male relative

Thus, the fruit of watermelon is called by the name of the hybrid watermelon tetraploid

for technical seeding seedless watermelon was first discovered by Prof. Dr. Hitoshi Kihara in Japan.

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Adar obtain parental tetraploid, it must be by folding double the number of chromosomes (which in terms of scientists called by the name of the duplication mutation).

from a diploid watermelon tetraploid cross will be obtained triploid watermelon (seedless watermelon), which has the appearance of a high and a lot of fans

The steps - watermelon planting seedless practical steps :.

Ground Preparation

cropland twice to really - really loose with making beds measuring 15 mx 2 m or may also wear a size of 3 x 4 m, where the distance seedling range of 30 cm

to the treatment of manure is mixed as a basic fertilizer composition with a 12 to 20 tonnes / hectare then makes holes in accordance with the spacing range 100 cm, can also be added in chemical form Pukpuk uence of 20 kg, 140 kg TSP and KCL 230 kg to 1 hectare of land provided to spread between a distance of 5 to 8 cm in the position of the seeds to plant.

How plantations

to be able to produce non-seed watermelon fruits of high economic value and better then to cross-pollination between the type of flower watermelon 3n cross diserbuk with pollen watermelon another type of fertile and healthy, it is good to choose a 3n type must be planted with watermelons type of order 2n watermelon can provide the best pollen for fertilization

how to care

If you look closely, there are many differences on how to grow watermelons used to but really -. really get perfect results, it is advisable to do so - it is a practical and non-manual planting watermelon seeds, follows below you can read:

1). Mulching. In mulching is recommended to plant watermelon in the tropics. mulching function on watermelon plants are: to prevent or reduce the growth of weeds and retain soil moisture and prevent the loss of nutrients in the soil

2) .. Erosion fixing the ground.

3). Prop up the plant stems radiating watermelon and fruit that began to develop.

4). To keep the watermelon is not directly in contact with the ground for fruit -. Fruits if exposed soil causes the surface of the skin becomes perishable fruit and infected by the disease

5). Perform cross-pollination. Semangak type 3n produce pollen that is clean and sterile for fertilization which should be taken with the 2n kinds of watermelon, it is good around the fields of watermelon plant is given a wild form close shrubs so that there is a hive of bees that can be optimized to help cross pollination of this.

6). Fertilization. Watermelon cultivation of non-seeds is not sufficient to make the basic fertilizer only as they are available in your home, you should make fertilizer three times during the growing season.

7). Watering. During the growing season, watermelon needs water, even during the growing season in which tree's age is young and should require water forever mncukupi and if the interest is already bermuculan then the water supply is slightly reduced to support and improve fruit formation.

8). fruit processing. In the past one month ago after the age of the plantation will start to show an interest for the first time until the third time, and in general, it is the male flowers and female flowers newly emerging for fourth time the formation of the fruit, which can be stimulated by male flowers, avoid flowers - flowers are many at the time began to form grains - tiny watermelon seeds candidates, it is best to choose fruit quality pleasant and limiting the number of pieces in 1 watermelon stick. For fruit that is still young, you should be diligent flick - behind it until the fruit skin becomes pale to prevent streaks on the skin of the fruit, and it is perfectly ripe

How harvest

for non-harvesting watermelon seeds, each farmer has a distinct kiteria very different - different for each - each region. Indeed, you have to set the conditions on the ground with market demand

Usually watermelon fruit is ready for harvest is a fruit that has traits -. Features quite heavy fruit, leaves of fruit starts a little withered and dry, and watermelon bed weight if you tap the surface of the skin of the fruit with the palm of the hand

harvest is the final phase non watermelon seed planting, and to harvest in the morning by means of cutting the rod of each -. each fruit with a knife or scissors clean cut and leaving the stem about 3-5 cm from the base of the fruit and collect fruit, watermelon in a cool, soft and can be stacked

Read articles :.

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Similarly, an examination of how plant watermelons not seeds that you can do yourself on a vacant lot that you have as an attempt activities that are beneficial to productive enterprises, then it is better to grow non grain watermelons to increase your income and your family at home.

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