Sep 27, 2016

How herbal Culture-Empon For Beginners

How herbal Culture-Empon For Beginners -

How To Plant Culture Empon-Empon for beginners -. Medicinal plants, also known as baking ingredients

These plants can range such as ginger, kencur, turmeric and others. These plants are very successful in our country and is one of the reasons settlers ancient times to come to Indonesia.

So far, the plant is still wanted, and become a commodity that is not timeless.


needs inside and outside the country remains high. Of course, this can be lucrative business field.

The plant is increasingly being used as a spice in cooking also save health benefits.

Thus, the typical herbs of Indonesia certainly use medicinal plants as a danger. Call turmeric tamarind, turmeric, stiff grass and so on, all medicinal plants using as ingredients pembuatanya.

For those of you who are interested in cultivating these plants, but still slept through technical pembudidayaanya, here are some tips you can try to grow these plants in the house.

Plant Media Preparation

culture media for this plant can be different types. Can use soil, sand, and organic fertilizers.

Just keep in mind is whether the use of land as a culture medium, and then choose the type of soil that is loose and fertile.

The land is fertile is the ground that have a composition of clay, sand and dust in a balanced way. While the soil is fertile soil that contains rich nutrients.


average planting sand that we could use if we can not find clay that is quite loose.

However make sure that the used sand is sand that contains clay. Or you might be a bit mixed.

Organic fertilizers

Growing media is quite desirable to medicinal plants can thrive.

Manure is preferably used is manure that has been crushed and fermented medicinal plants to be absorbed better.


Choose herbs that are old and able to be used as plant seeds.

good seed will produce a good crop. The characteristic of empon healthy plants may vary depending on the type tanamanya.

However, in general, one can conclude that the plant is a good empon empon plants pertumbuhanya good and there is no disease. The leaves are not attacked by pests, roots develop symmetrically and plants look fat.


Plant seeds of medicinal plants in a planting medium that has been selected through a hole to put the seed plant.

this can also be done with polybag and plant it in a pot. Holes were adjusted according to the size of the seeds of these plants.

Then close the hole and condense necessary. Do not forget to leave the water jet so that the seed crop was not the lack of water for pertumbuhanya.


Interview of medicinal plants is easy, which is almost the same with other plants.

water regularly, give fertilizer to maximize growth and protect against pests and diseases that can broods medicinal plants.

little trick you can use is to accelerate growth by loosening the planting medium that seems too dense planting medium.


average yield cycle of medicinal plants is 10 months. But it also depends on the type of medicinal plants that you plant

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