Aug 29, 2016

Culture And how to take care of Cambodia Flower Plumeria With media practices

Culture And how to take care of Cambodia Flower Plumeria With media practices -

Raising and maintenance of flowers Cambodia Plumeria With Practical Approaches - Ornamentals frangipani frangipani two leaf shape are different from each other that the one is a group of plants frangipani flowers with leaves that form a pointed end and the second is to have a rounded tip

planting method does not depend on differences in leaf shape owned each -. each tree frangipani frangipani flowers


However, it is worth before buying the seeds of this tree, you need to know in advance the type of leaves of tree making it easier for you later in the culture.

Make sure the frangipani tree would you have the root ball is wrapped by a container (bag / polybags) safely and comfortably protect the roots. To fill the container is between 100 to 200 liters.

Making Frangipani Business frangipani flower is now a prospect of good business for the occupied territories because of frangipani flowers at this well-loved by people because this plant has a unique shape, nice color flower - colored and perfumed, and has a high price and a very easily developed interest or dilestrikan in tropical Indonesia

Here's how to take care of frangipani flowers to grow healthy plants, stems unique and diligent flowering.

early (culture with seeds)

cultivate the seeds of frangipani flowers should be exposed to sunlight and avoid Douse with many water because it can slow pertumbuhanya.

once the beans are cracked or were ready to be planted in the media of choice, you first need to put more than about half a day in order to accelerate the process seeds growth flowers

once the seeds -. seeds that grew up then you should immediately switch flower seeds to more bersar (can be in the form of pots / plastic volibeck / dllnya) and rate kualiatas land to be used, preferably a mixture of fine soil and clay with rugged terrain

Once the seeds of flowers started great and ready for the market, then you should give fertilizer regularly to keep the interest of the healthy growth and form roots -. Strong roots like snakes that are ornamental pengkoleksi interested in buying

Please note that the frangipani flower only two types of courses are :. the type of local Frangipani has a color (fixed) and the type of frangipani colors has two attractive colors

frangipani flower plant can bloom in warm place because the flowers need less water alone

Thus alerted to the interest of the fan to take care of this flower with a heart -. heart, do not rinse the excess water because it will make the stress and the roots of flower water can rot

characteristics - traits if the plant frangipani flower plumeria is exposed to stress, namely :.

1). The trunk Lempes / does not contain / as rot.

2). The leaves began to fall one by one.

3). Berwarn leaves yellow and pale.

Make penyetekan

For a frangipani flower ornament unique and beautiful plant then the plant should be cultivated by penyetekan to the holding flowers healthy and interest, penyetekan requires few tools are razor blades, rope or plastic

penyetekan this can be done as follows :. you must choose the quality of the branch that is large enough and healthy and fertile, and then you form V, while the branch you TAPER form

Then you enter the branch would be connected just above on the branches that you want to connect

After you tie tight so that the branch - the branch .. was not easy to move so quickly merged with flowers, branches long / Parent

Read articles :.

  • 5 growth strategies Tips and Caring Jambu Madu
  • Type Type eligible Durian plant to grow
  • good cultivation techniques Nangka

Then immediately with plastic wrap small branches to be fast through the growth process. Put it in a cool place.

Similarly, a brief information of us, I hope useful!

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