Jul 31, 2016

Tips and how Duku in organic

Tips and how Duku in organic -

Tips and How to Plant Culture Duku In Organic -. Duku was originally a factory in eastern Indonesia and grows wildly

Different now, duku is today the plant has to be small scale to large scale.

culture duku spelled out is not easy, because these plants are wild plants.

Buah duku including types of seasonal fruit, so it can not be enjoyed anytime. It was a soft gentle as if duku to the many people target.


Furthermore Duku also substances that are required in the body, such as antioxidants and minerals which has the function of preventing colon cancer.

Terms duku plantation

duku Before planting, it would be nice if you prepare a variety persaratan that will support growth duku.

  • planting medium

the duku land plants need to grow normally not more than 650 meters above the sea level and is having a water availability is high.

good drainage will also duku using the fixed plant grow, because the puddle duku damage the roots. The duku plants will not grow optimally if they are grown on sandy soil.

  • Climate

climate for growing duku is an area that has high humidity, if the humidity is too low, it will inhibit the growth of these plants.

the temperature required for the development duku around 19 degrees Celsius, with high light intensity. Duku requires areas with high bulk to live about 1500-2500 mm per year.

Note, plant duku will not be able to live in areas with high wind speeds.

How duku organic

There are several things to consider before planting Duku plants. Some things such as quality seeds, planting and harvest time.

  • Nursery

seedlings to plant must be free of the disease because it can affect tumbuhannya and fruit quality

There are three ways commonly used to dlaam seeds Duku plants, seeds, cuttings and grafting. All these seeds have advantages and disadvantages of each.

However, the seeds transplant is the best that could be used as a proven life.

could also bear fruit more quickly about 8 years after planting the seed grain that takes about 12 years to bear fruit.

  • investment

sowing seeds is best done when the rainy season. Duku plants to grow organically can be made by mixing the soil and organic matter in the ratio 1 :. 1.

Before planting, usakan to wet the soil first so that plant roots penetrate more easily the soil

  • planting system

planting method can be by intercropping. But for best results, use a distance of about 7 × 8 meters, the distance is to anticipate because duku plant twig branch stretched wide.

Before planting, make a hole as deep as 50 cm and width depending on the seedling root zone.

  • land

Clearing is best done before the rainy season. This meant when the rainy season comes, the land can be planted directly.

Use a method duku seedlings for planting. Also, make liming in advance if it is felt the ground is impossible for planting.

  • Maintenance

Plant Maintenance duku not hard enough to irrigate regularly, For plants that are under the age of three weeks was flush with water twice a day if it does not rain.

  • harvest

Productivity duku strongly influenced by environmental factors NII surroundings. Duku usually harvested with the handle in a cutting manner

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Buah duku usually ready for harvest when the month of October each year and October.

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