Showing posts with label Cultivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cultivation. Show all posts

Oct 29, 2016

How Soursop In organic

How Soursop In organic

How Soursop In organic -

How To Plant Culture Soursop by Organic -. There are many types of soursop fruit plants can be found in Indonesia

In all there are two types are very popular among the people, first honey soursop.

soursop this type is known for its taste a little sweeter than sharing soursop.

flesh is very soft and fresh, no wonder soursop honey is often used as a dessert or juice.


like soursop other no less popular is the queen soursop. Soursop Queen areas Pelabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi.

Size Queen soursop is quite varied, with a soursop fruit texture mealy flesh and sweet.

Similar to honey custard apple, soursop queen also very suitable for consumption in case of fresh or processed into juice.

besides being a daily consumption, fruit trees also began to widely cultivated.

If you are keen to grow these plants organically, the following are some of the things that are important in the culture of soursop fruit plants.


soursop seeds can be obtained in two ways, namely through the nursery seed or through transplantation techniques.

ideal spacing between the soursop tree is one with the other as a timber that must be considered. Spacing plants soursop plants is 3 or 4 x 4 meters x 6 meters, depending on the variety soursop want to be grown and the size of the available land.

Treatment Plant

maintaining soil fertility and maintaining good soil is very important, it is to maintain the quality of soursop fruit to be produced .

Make sure the area around the base of trees protected against weeds. You must also be careful to water the earth, because soursop is very prone to dry land.


good fertilization also highly recommended in the culture of soursop plants.

you can use manure or fertilizer NPK small doses that can be given as much as several times a year.

pest control

most soursop pest can be eradicated in a conventional manner without the use of anti parasite

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you can wrap the bags or paper plastic soursop to use for protection against pests such as fruit flies.

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Oct 28, 2016

How fertilization wine maintenance plants and fruit

How fertilization wine maintenance plants and fruit

How fertilization wine maintenance plants and fruit -

How fertilization wine cultures and maintenance of fruit - Generally, when the vineyards already nine months old pots, these plants can already be generated for the first time.

But usually the result of fertilization of this effect is not good for plant fertility, because very young age and condition of the roots are not so strong.

the best time for conception is after the vines are aged about more than a year is a year and a half, so that the growth of roots, branches, twigs and leaves have the opportunity to develop more perfect and mature, so that the vines are able to enhance the conditions of the plantation and the tree of medium is sufficient to achieve.


If culture known grapes is not up to a year, the plants show signs -. signs took the flower and bear fruit, flowers and fruit should be picked just before already grown to be a great

it aims substances to foods in the body of the plant can be used for needs of the vegetative growth of the next.

How fertilization of crops wine

vines in pots capable of fertilization twice a year.

Even if you know how to design right then, the plant can be produced three times a year, but the result is the growth of plants may be less healthy in the future.

vines are already mature enough to be able to successfully perfectly if the branches are less useful trimmed and leaves - excessive dirompes sheets

all secondary branches should be pruned and all dirompes leaves excessive compulsory with scissors, so that eventually only a main stem, branches. - Primary branches and branch - the branch form of secondary short -. spurs as short as

leafless vines will appear naked. . Secondary branches that were cut that will begin to grow new shoots that will eventually be expanded to become a branch of higher education

Two weeks after the trimming process and perompesan, will grow branches - twigs new leaf and spiral new [

Sulurnya is generally more near the third eye stalk, fourth and fifth.

nurture the vine is the best and the greatest, and in good health in childhood. This spiral of branches that will grow new flowers that will eventually grow into the fruit - ripe and beautiful

Maintenance Fruit

The vines in pots that have started flowering or fruiting small - small should not be too exposed to water spray ( mainly rain water), as rain can cause the flowers are easily damaged or berries -. small will fall

secure vines in pots in the shade during the rainy season, after the last rain, potted plants, you can lift the back and put in the place of origin.

to obtain granular pieces dompolan high when the fruit is still small should be thinned (for fertilizing first time).

reserving dompolan about 40-50% of the original number of grain Dilution occurs when the fruit is still a soybean grain, which is about - the age of 1.5 months from dirompes plants and trimmed

the second fruit thinning is done after a granulated or for seed corn, which is one month after the first thinning [

[19459009secondes] Spacing is just as controlling, if deemed necessary, grain fruit waste that grows abnormally small, dull colors and imperfect shape or already rotten.

fruit is old must kept pests like bats, chickens, rats and children - .. brat who want to taste the grapes to eat

secure it can be a variety of ways, as wrapped in cement, paper or plastic red

packaging is appropriate after 10% of the granules contained in a fruit dompolan seems perfectly mature. Make air holes in the corner of the package for air exchange.

The grapes are considered matured and ready to be picked up if his age is approximately 105-110 days after the dirompes plants or 90 days after blooming flowers.

sign of the ripe fruit is the presence of a layer of wax or white powder on the skin of the fruit, as well as new distinctive scent of grapes. perfectly ripe grape skin color is blackish - victimization, dark red, transparent yellow or greenish yellow, depending on the variety you have planted vine. The grapes were picked ripeness in time, so that the fruit flavor is sweet and fresh

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in a vine potted varieties vitis labrusca kind delaware they can harvest about 15 lots (2.5 kg) of fruits at the first harvest, provided that the plant really is -. really created after more than a year

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Oct 27, 2016

The types of forestry that exist in Indonesia

The types of forestry that exist in Indonesia

The types of forestry that exist in Indonesia -

The types of forestry that exist in Indonesia - Today, the silvicultural system in Indonesia is divided into 4 types. TPTI, THPB, THPA and TPTII.

THPB (Clear cutting with artificial regeneration)

Total Cup with artificial regeneration, or better known by the acronym THPB silvicultural system using mining techniques forestry and reuse clearcut the entire tree that is in the forest stand, while the regeneration levels using technical replanting logged areas such.


in order to obtain forest stands The new genus, life, and have a high or maximum value. Accordance with the wishes of the company that manages the area and respond to market needs.

forest using silvicultural systems THPB all trees have economic value because it is grown and harvested to use.

slaughter Size adapted to forest conditions, production needs, capacity and reforestation can be done by the company.

also THPB a silvicultural system that most parents to form forest stands in Indonesia.

THPA (Clear Cutting with assisted natural regeneration)

Unlike THPB, Clear cut with assisted natural regeneration or better known by the abbreviation THPA can be used without planting .

Because the most widely used in the forest or in the connected culture, trubusan or generative on productive forests that can dikonveksi and or land in forest products use license of wood in production forest on basis of the work plan for the use of forest wood (RKPHHK) and or production of habit forests.

THPA is a more economical forestry, efficient, comprehensive, and could generate values ​​of the natural regeneration process of the high production training.

So far, the use of THPA system in Indonesia is still very rare. However, if seen from the Indonesian government forestry, THPA very appropriate silvicultural system used to improve forest ecosystems.

TPTI (Selective Cutting plant Indonesia)

of Indonesia selective cutting plants, better known by TPTI is one of silvicultural systems used to maintain form and not mention the natural forest remaining mixture.

Thus, the forest will be filled with different types of plants, trees and ferns. TPTI made only in the land of natural forests in the territory of Indonesia alone.

For wood with a variety of plants and trees can be created using selective cutting.

most natural forest production also uses selective logging, for several reasons as follows :.

  • natural forest containing large and small trees, while those with a high value is just a big single tree
  • natural forest consists of various species of trees, while behavior or required by the market only a few.
  • natural forest with trees with varying conditions, as sold on the market end of the wood.

selective operating system in Indonesia is set by the government in 1972 as part of the selective logging system name Indonesia (TPI), but in 1989 changed to the operation of the select system plants of Indonesia (TPTI).

TPTI system used only in natural forest floor is, swamp forests, forests and bogs dry wood as ebony.


because of the natural forest of ex culling production in Indonesia has undergone the transition to the propagation and planting by the surrounding community, then 1997, the Minister of forestry Indonesia decided to promote forest plantation development in the forest meranti

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to raise awareness of the business owner to preserve natural forests logged, and people living around the natural forest made regarding the existence of companies that conduct reforestation of exploited natural forests .

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Oct 26, 2016

How Cocoa Nurseries by Generative?

How Cocoa Nurseries by Generative?

How Cocoa Nurseries by Generative? -

How Cocoa Nursery By Generative - ?. cocoa seeding can be done in two ways, which is done by generative and vegetative

this time will be discussed cocoa farming generative ie multiply using cocoa beans

this technique has benefits: .. seeds are very convenient to be stored longer, more flexible delivery, and strong roots that can stand firmly

cara pembibitan kakao

However, this method sometimes results in products that are not necessarily the same as the parent

how cocoa generative reproduction :.

Plant Material Preparation

selection of seeds used for reproduction can be derived from the production of the garden or buy them. If you take your own garden should note the following: ...

  • Terms strong and healthy network
  • The high productivity result
  • His age between 12-18
  • ripe fruit perfectly with the yellow sign on the seed if the fruit with green skin and orange if the skin is red

Usually seeds that can be Hana used only about 20-25, then washed with sawdust or ashes to remove mucus in flowing water

If this was done with brushing -. sealam broadcast about 1 day. After drying, the seeds are ready to be used.

If you choose to buy the seeds, try selecting quality seeds and already has a name and reliable sources.

Preparing a nursery

  • Set Bandengan epileptic longitudinal direction north - south with a width of 1.2 meters and a maximum length of 10 meters . Try to choose a place that is considered affordable, safe from disturbance, close to water sources, and the average.
  • Hoes soil as deep as 30 cm and gemburkan until smooth and flatten
  • Add sand with a thickness of 5 cm on land that is flat and give advice or brick to contain the avalanche of sand
  • shade made of sugar cane leaves, coconut leaves or grass -. grass with pole height of 1.2 meters to the west and is 1.5 meters.

sowing seeds

  • Soak the cocoa beans using 2.5% formalin for 10 minutes for the fungus can not not grow.
  • Put the seeds on the third layer of sand fever down and parallel seedlings at a distance of 2.5 x 5 cm
  • the bendengan Rinse with water
  • Close with reed leaves .. - grass dry hardened finished product in a fungicide solution.
  • Sprinkle the seeds in the morning and the afternoon.
  • at the age of 4-5 days, the seedlings were germinated can be directly transferred into a plastic bag or other Edi.

Setting the culture media

  • Prepare a poly bag measuring 20 x 30 cm with a thickness of 0.08 mm.
  • Fill with soil topsoil composition + sand + manure is 2: 1: 1, which was mixed and sifted 1-2 cm from the top
  • Place it under the auspices of the isosceles triangle over a distance of 60 x 60 x 60 cm.
  • Have watering to saturation.

germs Moving

  • selection defective seeds, grow crooked, stunting or older and the age of the growth of germs.
  • Take shoots using Solet bamboo taproot that is not broken.
  • Put a bag in which the holes using the index.
  • Close backhole media of increasing fever.

seed Maintenance

• watering

Do each type of watering morning and evening in the dry season but when the rainy season depends on the state of media in polybag

• fertilization

Make a fertilize every 14 days to 3 months of age using dilute urea fertilizer with water to a concentration of 1% and fertilizer dissolved in 100 ml of each seed sebanayk. Flush water from the disease in fertilizer stuck later.

• Fight against diseases and pests

This control depends on the type of disease and parasites, for example beetles pests can use insecticides.

Sowing Seeds

At the age of 3 months, the seeds have 18 -24 leaves, stem diameter 8 mm, height 50-60 cm ready . planted in the field or make possible connections

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Oct 25, 2016

the cultivation of papaya Simple Guide for Beginners

the cultivation of papaya Simple Guide for Beginners

the cultivation of papaya Simple Guide for Beginners -

How Culture Papaya - plant papaya Carica papaya is a kind of tropical fruits from the American continent and has spread in various parts of the world. The cultivation of papaya can be applied in the lowlands to an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level to a maximum terrain altitude of about 50 to 700 meters above the level of the sea.

Applying the way of cultivation of papaya need between 1,000-2,000 mm rainfall evenly distributed throughout the year. But for the dry season area papaya can bear fruit on the basis of regular watering. absorption land, good porosity and soil pH levels in the range of 6-7 is required for the culture of papaya can function correctly. Standing water will disrupt plant growth papaya and make the roots rot and do not develop.


Getting to know the papaya plant properties

papaya plants can grow up to 3 meters high. The rods are hollow, soft tissue and also become watery properties of the papaya plant. In addition, the taproot and root side software is also necessary to know the nature of the papaya plant because its root growth is quite small and shallow.

a single flower and plant flowers series papaya growing in the leaf axils. There are 3 types of papaya flowers that must be known, the female flowers, male flowers and the perfect flower that has pistils and stamens alias hemafrodit.

The flower type determines the type of trees each. male papaya trees do not produce fruit, while a female papaya trees can produce fruit is round and thin flesh. Meanwhile, papaya elongated shape of perfect fruit products the more favored people of Indonesia at this time.

papaya seeds selection


Making the selection of fruit papaya seeds must be made selective. Seeds or seeds that are obtained from the papaya fruit mature trees and perfect with the shape of the elongated fruit, free from disease and is also disabled.


papaya seeds usually black and white beans. white seeds are seeds of death which would not grow. While black seed can grow into a tree with a percentage of about 25 to 50% is the perfect tree depends on its genetic character. The remaining trees will be male or female tree. Should choose the seeds that are on the end of the fruit, not the fruit of papaya base.

Sowing the seeds of papaya

Phase seeding is part of a way of cultivating papaya important thing to do, among others:

  1. prepare the seed that germinated by soaking in warm water for a night and choose the seeds that sank.
  2. Prepare tissue paper and moisten with water. Spread the seeds on paper towels, cover again with a cloth and rinse with water.
  3. Put the packaging seeds in a box bamboo wicker translucent water, place it in the sun is not too hot for the proper germination about 7-10 days.
  4. Move germs in each bag about 9 x 10 cm which is already filled with soil, compost and sieve rice hulls.
  5. moisten the media so that the moisture awake and put it in the shady stall nursery alias Paranet transparent plastic so that the rain water, wind and the sun does not penetrate the seed directly. After the age of 2 to 2.5 months, and then the seeds ready to be moved to the open ground. Papaya seeds are used for a hectare is about 60 grams.

Caring for the cultivation of papaya

Perform maintenance on the papaya plant is important and should be done at least since the plant is 1.5 months . diseased plants should be removed and replaced with new plants that satisfactory yields. Here are some tips to care for and cultivate papaya plants, namely:

  • Note papaya trees flowers. If more one, which means that the shaft is a female of the tree if and lidded, and a male of the papaya tree, and should be removed or embroidered with other seeds.
  • pick flowers and press the edges with the thumb until it opens and if the interest is in is perfect flowers, then hold.
  • Sulam plants were repealed by new seedlings to grow as a tree is perfect.
  • fertilizer 2 weeks, the seedlings are transferred to the ground with a mixture of urea, SP-36, ZA, KCl according to age composition.

harvesting the culture of papaya


Typically papaya plants can be harvested after the age of 9 to 14 months and may be done every 10 days once. Usually the productivity of the culture of papaya about 20 to 35 tons per hectare, depending on climatic conditions, cultivation techniques or methods of cultivation of papaya and also the variety.

When the harvest, pinch cleverly fruit papaya ropes approached the stage ripen on the tree with yellow stripes on the skin of the fruit. However, if the crop is marketed in a faraway place, then the papaya fruit Pluck the strings skillfully earlier by the time calculation.

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