Showing posts with label Cultivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cultivation. Show all posts

Oct 24, 2016

How to beet cultivation beginners

How to beet cultivation beginners

How to beet cultivation beginners -

How the beet growing for beginners - You certainly know bits, right? Red fruits are a lot of benefits is rare to find a place of culture.

Because this fruit is not like like lettuce or other vegetables.

However, not because he did not like does not mean not having a business opportunity.

Many are looking for not only for consumption only bits, but eating like a drug that can prevent disease and rid the body of impurities and toxins.


Well, how culture cultivated beets. In fact, the beet harvest is not too hard or difficult to membudidayakannya. The following steps how the beet cultivation.

Phase plowing

Ploughing certainly the initial phase should be done. You just have to plow and hoe, try a little in about 30 cm.

At the same time, you can also provide manure ½ kg every 2 meters. With the ground so fertile and be fed, after flattening and mix again. Prepare groove with hoeing and make a groove spacing of 30 cm.


Bits can use seeds or seedlings are planted directly. You can also mendapatkanny by cuttings.

But it is better before planting seedlings seeds used in the baby bag or a special place seed before planting directly into the ground. Beet seed is still to buy abroad for beet is quite difficult to flowering in Indonesia.

However, it should not be an obstacle for you to keep the culture of fruit pieces.

beets Planting

Before planting was done tillage grooved shape. Then the seed is sown evenly along the groove, if you want to direct seed sowing on land.

But if it is in the form of seeds and then pass a large and growing. It only took one week and then the seed will grow and the plants were seen emerging.

Move carefully, because the roots will be the fruit will be in the future.

seed Maintenance

  1. Spacing

thinning is done when the maintenance of the beet harvest at the time of planting. You can do the thinning at the age of 3-4 weeks.

The plants until you can not remove, and replace a new one or embroidered.

With the plants have formed 2-3 buds, weak shoots should be removed for not disturb the plants or shoots were strong. The spacing is set so that the distance of 15-20 cm.

At the age of 4-5 months, the grass plants appear often, and it should certainly be considered. Grasses will interfere with the growth of bulbs in the soil and the bits will be lack of nutrition.

There are good you do weeding. In fact, when there are weeds that you are able to do weeding, not having to wait 5 months.

Weeds that grow can absorb water and nutrients in the soil and make the bulbs are not qualified.

  1. Fertilization and pest

Fertilization can be done by mixing ZA, DS and ZK. Fertilization is done to spread the right and left lines with a distance of 5 cm from the stem. In addition, note also of pests and diseases.

Are there any pests and diseases that attack. If it is a good idea given pesticide or pest eradication and organic diseases. So as not absorbed by the fruit pieces.


Harvesting is done at the age of 2-3 months. Do not be late to harvest the fruit pieces, because if bit late fruit become hard and woody

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How to reap the fruits of bits is pull up outside the tuber, and do not cut the stems to reduce evaporation process and the fruit will remain nice and cool

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Oct 23, 2016

Farming techniques and how Cabe Rawit

Farming techniques and how Cabe Rawit

Farming techniques and how Cabe Rawit -

How Farming Cabe Rawit - Cayenne known as Capsicum frutescens is the first plant to grow in the Americas so that the plant is presented as a plants on the continent.

These plants grow best when planted at altitudes below 500 m above sea level. But 500 meters above sea level is still able to survive yet known production will continue to decline.

Seed Selection Cabe Rawit

Maybe this time, farmers should not be difficult to obtain quality seeds because djual that many have in the farm stores, but its weakness is the price is relatively more expensive. But we can mnyeleksi or make their own chili seeds. The seeds can be obtained from the results of the previous group, try to choose the seed crop to 5 or 6.

why yields 5 or 6?

Because the panel in this state have optimal seed, please note that returns have 1-4 seeds are rare and much smaller, therefore it is not appropriate when using the sebbagai seed for planting.

Method for the production of pepper seeds is to harvest the fruit of pepper spray and cut longitudinally from the skin of the fruit kemudiaa fruits, seeds at the base and the end of the fruit because usually the seeds that are in the area are small and of poor quality. Then soak the beans in the chili with clean water. please select seeds, fruits that float and separate the seeds sink. grain drying in the sun to dry. when in hot conditions Samai generally requires 2 to 3 days.

dikarahui Need a good seed usually has the power to increase by 80%. not too long to save seeds for semangkin old seed is stored, the rise will semangkin reduced.

Germination and seedling Cabe Rawit

This is an effective way to sow seeds of pepper cayenne is to use a polybag. The reason why the use of polybags because if the seed sown will stack so that the plants will compete in the absorption of nutrients to irradiation. to minimize the latter is using polybags.

polybags used is 5 x 10 cm, you are also buses're using another measure in accordance with the number of seeds you want to planting while planting media using a material such that a mixture of soil, charcoal and compost in the ratio 1: 1: 1 do not forget to mengaaduk until smooth. Before planting the seeds just to soak the seeds for about 6 hours using hot water, this is done to stimulate the seed to grow rapidly.

Keudian seeding with seed entering polybag as deep as 0.5 cm, then closed with a planting medium. for watering in the seeding process is done in the morning and the afternoon. Beih already planted grow usually in 1 to 2 weeks, but this chili BIIT only be transferred to the ground when the leaves had 5 or more (about usia1,5 months).

treatment of land and investment

chili Taanaman need a loose soil to grow well. land used must have good porosity. trying to plow or dig the soil as deep as 30 cm, it is for the pepper roots of the plant is not disturbed by the density of the soil.

Create beds with a height of 30 cm that the distance between the 60 cm beds, while the beds depends on the length of the field land conditions. to maximize the beds to create a good drainage channel ii things in general, because the pepper plants will not be resistant to flooding.

chili goes a pH of about 6 to 7, when the pH is lower than it is necessary to add lime to measure as much as 2 floors - 4 tonnes (depending on how the initial pH). This Kaur pemberan dilakuakan when hoeing or plowing, so lime and soil uniformly mixed.

for pepper cultivation techniques are extensively cayenne should close using plastic mulch beds. useful mulch to reduce erosion, maintain soil moisture, control weeds and also as a pest breaker chain and diseases of pepper plants.

DLAM each seedbed planting peppers with two lanes with a distance of 60 cm, it bainya lubung is no parallel or zig zag. this function very penetration of sunlight and also as a controller of the wind flow. the depth of the planting hole as deep as 10 cm.

Care and Maintenance


Watering is done 2 times a day the state blisters, morning and seore day. do not water the plants during the day.


Fertilization can dilakuukan with fertilizer additional membikan .npk 1 tablespoon per planting hole each month you can also use organic fertilizers CCAir the spray means the leaves on masapertumbuhan. and can also add fertilizer when the plants begin to bear fruit.


The size is the 20th day after planting, pruning is done in the bud Nearly leaves diketiak .

pests and diseases

Use peptisida if chili plants affected by pests or diseased, usually attack the white pest and caterpillars. . Whereas when exposed to a spray of fungal attack using fungicides

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harvesting process

Cabe began to be harvested after the age of about 80 days after planting. Harvesting can be done several times namuan depending on the varieties and other eksteren factors like the state of land, treatments and more. Harvesting can be done in stages over a period of 3 to 5 days. in the rod harvesting process must be directly memtik once. The levy is sebiknya morning because the chili is still fresh.

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Oct 22, 2016

The Complete Guide to Raising beans

The Complete Guide to Raising beans

The Complete Guide to Raising beans -

How Beans Agriculture - Plant beans or Phaseolus vulgaris is a vegetable in Leguminoceae family. Although widely used by the people of Indonesia, apparently not many people grow these beans in bulk. If you are a good way to grow beans, chances are very high.

In Indonesia, there are two kinds of beans, which grow vines, and the amount. Beans can spread up to 2-3 meters long, and need the support of the bamboo in order not to fall. Although this kind stand-up height is only 60 cm and no need lenjeran / support.


term life

high ideal that bean plants can live well is at an altitude of 1000-1500 meters above sea level . Some other things you should look for the terms of planting beans are

  • beans can live in an atmosphere of wet or dry
  • While ideally grown in the mountains, even in low-high. 400 meters above the sea level, the beans may still develop.
  • rainfall is needed is 1500-2500 mm / year.
  • the ideal growing temperature is 20-25o C, with a humidity of 55% (average).


Lock start growing beans is good to choose a good seed. Here is what you must do to get quality seeds :.

  • Seed Selection
  • Select seeds of plants that are pleasant, with the power to grow 80-85%
  • The lapidary form and intact.
  • Uniforms, not mixed with other varieties of beans.
  • color is bright, clean, pest / disease, and eye seeds are brown spot.
  • Preparation of seed
  • drying the fruit of beans in the sun for 1-2 days to dry.
  • Peel the skin, remove seeds for seedlings.
  • to keep it, store in a clean glass bottle filled with wood ash to cover. Store in a dry place at a temperature of 18-20o C, and beans can last from 6 months to 3 years.

Ground Preparation

For the cultivation of beans a good way, before loosening the soil and planting seeds, prepare the soil mixed with compost / manure 1-2 weeks early. Only then you loosen the soil. If sour conditions give lime to neutralize.

Build beds with a height of 20-30 cm and a width of 1 meter, the length depending on the land. Adjust the distance between 30-40 cm beds.

Make a hole in the bed with the distance between rows 50-60 cm, and in rows 30 cm. You can go into the compost / manure in the hole about 20 tons / ha. Allow 1-3 days


planting beans without direct sowing into the hole you created above. Fill each hole as much as 2-3 seeds, cover and land use. If the soil is dry enough, watered regularly. For every hectare, you will need about 50 kg of seeds.

Choux will start to appear about 3-7 days after planting.


So that this plant can grow well, the beans must be treated regularly, consider this:

  1. fashion

Have seam before 10 days. Change the seed that is not managed to develop a new one.

  1. Altitude plots

Grow seedlings after bean plants 20 days old and also 40 days. It is intended to stimulate the roots to grow, strengthen the plants and the soil structure by now.

  1. Pruning

For a more branches more and more, the trim snaps when old plants 2 weeks and 5 weeks later.

  1. fertilizer

Apply fertilizer and 10 cm from the plant, and closed again. Give when 14-21 days old plants.

  1. Watering

If you plant in the dry season, garden watering twice a day at the age of 1-15 days. But if the rainy season, you should try to get rid of excess water in the ditch.

  1. Pests and diseases

Leave biological pesticide bean plants from extracts kipait or yam bush. Another way is to crop rotation, removal of crop residues can be harmful, and cleaning diligently insect eggs.

harvesting and storage

When the bean plants were aged 60 days, then this plant is ready for harvest. The features are:

  • seeds in the pods are indistinguishable
  • The surface of the skin is rather rough
  • The color of the young pods and is also dark
  • If the pods are broken, will be popping sound.

you should as soon as possible to prevent the plants from Cercospora disease bean crop beans. Do not pick the fruit with a knife or sharp tools, but handpicking manually. This is to avoid injury in bean pods.

The harvest will take place gradually until 2-3 days, so the pods ripen uniformly. If you were to harvest the beans 7-8 times, or 80 days, then it's time to stop. If the way the beans cultivation is done correctly, then yields could reach 150 quintals / ha.

Because the beans quickly wilted or damaged, you should cherish. Keep in the shade with a temperature 5-10o C and humidity of 85-90%. So well kept, chickpeas hold 2-3 weeks

Read also :. The Easy Way In Cultivating long Bean

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Oct 21, 2016

Free Dragon Fruit Growing method

Free Dragon Fruit Growing method

Free Dragon Fruit Growing method -

Knowing how the dragon fruit cultivation will offer great opportunities to gain a trade advantage. This can happen because many people eat dragon fruit because benefits vary ownership.

Dragon fruit is one of the fruits that provide health benefits. The fruit may even help repel certain diseases that are classified as lethal.


Request dragon fruit not calmed down that one of the reasons why it is very profitable to be a dragon fruit farmer. Regardless of market conditions, which is always packed out grow fruit dragon plants can not say arbitrary.

There are certain things that must be able to attract the attention of a fairly abundant harvest and quality. For those of you who are interested to try their luck dragon fruit farm so it is good to dig as much information as possible to the process of maximum culture.

The culture dragon fruit plants is relatively easy, it is surprising that the meeting dragon fruit in the yard. But the company needs it will not only enjoy the yard is not too big. The needs of dragon fruit plantation professionally would require a special land and its size suits the availability of capital and labor.

Preparation is important to cultivate dragon fruit

There are some important preparations that must be made Dragon culture of fruits so as to be able to produce production dragon fruit plantations. Here preparations are:

  1. The establishment of climbers pole

Dragon fruit plants have elongated with a branch are as long as its trunk. The structure of these plants should be supported so that the plant does not fall or collapse and prevent damage to the fruit is grown.

Making pole climbing should be made permanent with a rectangular pillar. This pole will be very good if it is made of concrete, although expensive, but can last longer and be an asset to walk.

climbing pole is usually built with a height of about 2 to 2.5 meters, which was built in length. Each pillar is planted in the soil to a depth of about 50 cm, with the objective that is not easily uprooted.

Strength in the body argues dragon fruit plant is also getting better and not easily damaged. Its construction should also be a safe distance, may be about 3 meters from one pole to the other pole.

  1. ith the planting medium with the appropriate

The land that became the place Tumbi plants dragon fruit should also be considered and prepared. Good soil well be classified as a breeding ground and easy to handle as a medium-sized farms and plantations. After selecting the field with the right soil conditions and completed the implementation of the climbing poles.

Then continue the investment process by special hole diameter of about 30 cm or larger than 60 × 60 cm with a depth of 25 cm. enter the compost, dolomite (agricultural lime) into the hole. Dolomite is necessary because the dragon fruit requires a lot of calcium intake to be able to thrive.

piled the manure pit in the back ground and then sprayed with water alone. Allow the soil can be seen until slightly dry and usually takes 2 to 3 days.

After that add or sprinkle TSP fertilizer around 25 kg to the area around the hole and climbing pole. After completion of the last process of fertilization rest the culture media for a full day and will be ready for the growth of dragon fruit.

  1. Growing dragon fruit

Continues in the investment process is entering a 4 pieces of plants dragon fruit into a hole in each pole climbing. Plant seeds are already planted and then tied to a pole climbing beside him to ensure growth and stem form grooves.

Linking these plants should not be too tight so as not to cause injury to the trunk. In the event that it will interfere with the growth of dragon fruit plants. Do not forget also to provide a sufficient distance between seeds holes with each other.

treatment plant dragon fruit

Dragon fruit plants require the addition of extra nutrients, so always need fertilizer periodically. This abundant nutrients plants require several types of fertilizer plants adapt to aging.

The beginning of the planting dragon fruit should be fertilized with a nitrogen-rich fertilizer. This is important because nitrogen is able to support the growth and strength of stems of dragon fruit plants. If the plants grow flowers or fruit, then added fertilizer with phosphorus and potassium.

Fertilizing with compost is also required, ie, every 3 months for adding natural nutrients. Fertilizing plants is carried out continuously to support the development of the fruit so that maximum results. It is easy to put into practice the cultivation of dragon fruit and there is no harm to me to try

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Oct 20, 2016

How Ornamental Plant Bed

How Ornamental Plant Bed

How Ornamental Plant Bed -

How to Plant Rooms ornament - Whoa, whoa ... Jasmine was fine yes. I wanted so much to have ornamental plants in the yard of my house Melati nih. How to do it? Hehehe ...

In fact, I know that you already know how to grow. You want to know something? Okay, I will share this information with you all. Please control review below is how to cultivate ornamental plants Bed!


Ornamental Nursery Bed

Prepare a planting pot with the form of a large, you can also use a polybag. Sowing media containing the sterile mixture of soil and sand, give a hole in the pot bottom for good drainage. Upload your media for seedlings in pots until thick as 20-30 cm, then make watering.

Connect each planting cuttings with a mean between 10-15 cm / one-third the length of the cuttings. Then close the surface of the container nursery with a transparent plastic sheet (transparent), so that the air condition is kept moist.

Keep the condition of the plants to keep healthy, to continuously watering 1-2 times a day and we always go in the morning light.

If own seeds cuttings or roots strong enough aged 1-23 months, moving in the polybag culture medium containing a mixture of soil, sand, and organic fertilizer with a ratio also . Selayak deal until the age of 3 months (watering and fertilizing routine).

Media Processing Plant Jasmine

Now create land for Jasmine. Clean the field sites for Jasmine weeds and rocks that interrupt the process of planting and growth.

So bajaklah floor with cabinet picks ground and let stand for 15 days for the soil to dry. Then make the beds as wide as 100-120 cm, height 30-40 cm, and the distance between beds 40-60 cm adjust the earth.

Adjust the soil pH with the granting of lime or calcification. Give dolomite or hydrated lime if the soil pH is too acidic.

manure spread on the soil surface and evenly mixed with topsoil. Add each planting hole up to 1-3 kg, a dose of manure ranges between 10-30 tons / ha. Size of 40 cm x planting hole 40 cm x 40 cm and the distance between the holes 100-150 cm.

Planting Jasmine

Enter the seeds Melati is located in a poly bag each planting hole you have prepared. Make sure the planting hole contains a Melati seed.

Cover with soil and manure mixture to a meeting, then rinse with water. Make sure the planting site get enough sunlight and soil conditions are not too wet.

Jasmine Care

In the first months after planting, the seeds Melati often die because of savage attacks rumpul or weeds. Perform weeding regularly to keep the budget attacks

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Make fertilization once every three months, the fertilizer used was 300-700 kg urea, STP 300-500 kg KCI and 100-300 kg / ha / year.

Remember to always check the jasmine plants drainage and watering routine so that plants do not suffer Melati floods or drought. Check land and make sanitation pests or diseases.

If infected and the condition is severe, cut portions were attacked and destroyed to prevent the spread of a new disease.

Avoid the use of chemical pesticides, as it can damage the nutrients in the soil. If you regularly in treatment, jasmine plants will bloom and flourish without problems.

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