Showing posts with label Aging Positively. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aging Positively. Show all posts

May 4, 2017

Day 2758 - The Lovin Life Linky - The stop, revive, survive edition

Forget slowing down, I've come to a stand-still.

If you follow me daily you'll know that I had an iddy biddy break down.  A bit of a crash really.  Let's call it a "multi car pile up".  It was more than a rear-ender, but less than a head-on. 

I'm OK.  I must stress that up front.  I'm totally fine.  My career as a crash test dummy was short lived.  

I got through the other side simply by following the advice of this big sign on the road.

During my few days of "reviving" I discovered some great things that I love about life.

  • I love that my parents live less than an hour away so I can visit easily
  • I love that my model daughter can drive me there when I'm not feeling up to it
  • I love that I have a cousin and a bestie who both drop everything to call me when I scream "help"
  • I love that Messenger means I can contact them via video or phone for free.
  • I love that I have people in my life who walk straight up and hug me if I'm looking a bit "frazzled".  
  • I love that my husband gives mammoth bear hugs full of love and safety.
  • I love that my kids make family time their priority
  • I love that I have an amazing client/colleague/friend who sent me a house cleaner when she discovered I was struggling
  • I love that I have a granddaughter who turned 4 this week and adds big rays of light to our world
  • I love that we have extended family that pulls together.
  • I love that you guys visit me each Thursday to join the Lovin Life Linky
  • I love that my melt downs are not permanent and that I have the tools in which to survive the bumps in the road and the resulting bingles.
How has your week been?

Any other crash test dummies out there?

What are you lovin' about life? 

*   *   *   *   *

The Lovin' Life Linky is brought to you by Team Lovin' Life: Deep Fried Fruit, Seize the Day Project, Write of the MiddleAnd Anyways50 Shades of Age and Lifestyle Fifty #teamlovinlife

May 3, 2017

Day 2757 - Wellness Wednesday - Let's talk about mental health

Sometimes we need a mental breakdown to wake up.

Today I am not going to chat about exercise nor food nor the evils of bread.  Today I'm going to talk about mental health. Specifically my mental health.

As you know I take on a lot.  It's just part of who I am. I like to be busy.

Sometimes I don't actually realise how much I've taken on until all my projects are playing push-me-pull-me at the same time.

As I sit here and ponder my naval, I realise that investing in projects is a bit like investing in property.

It's all good when your investment houses are fully tenanted and the properties are paying for themselves without draining your resources. It's all good when the residents are behaving themselves and the world is sunshine and roses. It's not so good when the houses need maintenance, or they are all empty and your bank account is being depleted. It can lead to dire times.

It's the same with energy and mind matters.  It's all fun to take on new projects when they're running at different times and behaving themselves.  But when your energy is being consumed with all of them at once and your mind bank is being depleted through lack of resources, lack of time and additional personal challenges, it's draining on the mind, body and soul.  It too can lead to dire times.

I am writing this because I have over-invested my time.

I am writing this because my energy and mind bank is running dry.

I am also writing this because we've had a few extra challenges this year that weigh heavily on our shoulders causing structural damage.

I am tired and lacking resilience and it's all led to an iddy biddy breakdown.

So, here I am saying that when we invest our time, we should probably do it in the same way we invest in properties.  Only invest in them if we can sustain them even when there is no rental income or when there is maintenance or property damage to see to.

I am learning that I should only invest in projects if I can sustain them when they all suddenly peak at once and if I get hammered with challenges coming in from the outside.

Seems pretty straight forward doesn't it?

But you know all of this already.  It's me that is the queen of over commitment.  I'm a bit slow on the uptake.

This Wellness Wednesday I have taken a step back, I've dropped a couple of commitments and I'm taking some time to breathe.

Otherwise I may just end up bankrupt.

How's your health and wellness this week?

Are you feeling fit and fabulous?

How wisely are you investing your energy? 

Apr 26, 2017

Day 2750 - How to make exercise a priority

Tip: Put exercise on your to-do list.

If you're anything like me, then you're extremely busy trying to balance work, family, house, life.  I'm a big believer in to-do lists and I can tell you right now, if exercise is not on my list, then it's likely it won't get done.

Exercise doesn't come naturally for all of us.  For some of us it's a chore (yes, that includes me).

So in order to make it a priority I simply treat it like the rest of my to-dos.  I put it on my list and then it gets done.  If you want to take it one step further you can even schedule it in the diary for a specific time in the day.

It really works.


Apr 24, 2017

Day 2748 - The World Masters Games

Olympics for old people

This week the Hubster is in Auckland playing basketball at the World Masters Games.  At last check they'd won their first two games convincingly and are hoping to at least get a medal in their 50-55 age group.

The World Masters is governed by the international Masters Games Association and is open to sports people of all abilities and many age groups.  The minimum age for some sports is as low as 25, with most sports being around 35.

The top story today is that a 101 year old woman just won a sprinting gold medal.

While most 100m sprints are completed in around 10-11 seconds, the very inspiring Man Kaur did hers in around 1 minute 15 seconds.

She may have been the only person in her category (she ran alongside the much younger 85-89 year olds) and technically she may not have been sprinting, but that doesn't take away from the fact that she actually stepped up and took gold.

This isn't her only sport either. She'll also be competing in the 200 metres, shot put and javelin later this week.

Even more inspiring is the fact that she only started her track and field career 7 years ago at the age of 94. She trains with her son who is also competing at the games.  He competed in his own 100 metre sprint in the 75-79 year age category.

So with that said I'd like to say that it's never to late to start! Whether it be a sport, project, career, hobby or fitness campaign, every day gives us the chance to create a fresh start.

Thanks for the inspiration Man Kaur.

Three cheers for all the athletes competing at the World Masters games.

Three cheers for my clever hubby who top scored at his game yesterday.

And three cheers for Man Kaur who has inspired me to get off my bum and shuffle down the road for at least 100 metres.  

Apr 22, 2017

Day 2746 - Are wraps any better than bread for weightloss?

Bread versus wraps - How do they stack up?

If you follow me daily then you'll know that I'm on a bit of a health and wellness mission.  I'm trying to get back to honouring my Fit and Fabulous tagline.

This mission includes weight loss because the truth is I've stacked on the kilos over the last six months and as I creep towards menopause I know it's going to be bloody hard to lose it if I don't get onto it now.

Anyway ...

I know for a fact that bread does me no favours.  It's the one food that instantly pads my stomach, butt and thighs. It also slows me down.

I also know for a fact that bread seems to be my comfort food. It's something I crave when I'm feeling pain (fibro) and migraine.  Which is happening fairly regularly right now (making the aforementioned fit and fabulous tag difficult).

So in order to reach a middle ground (for now) I tend to switch the bread for wraps.

But that got me wondering, is there any difference?

How do wraps stack up against bread?

So I did some quick research

Note: I am not a dietitian nor nutritionist (not even a foodie). This is all just my own uneducated thoughts taken from my reading.

According to my research, two slices of wholemeal bread contain around 760 kj (which is about 180 calories) compared to a wholemeal tortilla style wrap which is around 380 kj (about 92 calories).

Two thin slices of white bread contain around 755kj (about 180 calories) and two thick slices contain about 840kj (about 200 calories). Compared to a white wrap which is 422kj (about 101 calories).

So there you have it.  That's the deal with bread versus wraps.  If you don't want to ditch the carbs completely, making the switch from a thick white bread sandwich to a wholemeal wrap could save you 460kj which is around 110 calories.

Which is fine by me because I LOVE wraps and more than anything I like toasted wraps.  I'm thinking I might even start a blog series on wrap recipes.

Does bread make you gain weight?

Any other wrap lovers our there?

What's your favourite wrap?

Information source:;