May 4, 2017

Day 2758 - The Lovin Life Linky - The stop, revive, survive edition

Forget slowing down, I've come to a stand-still.

If you follow me daily you'll know that I had an iddy biddy break down.  A bit of a crash really.  Let's call it a "multi car pile up".  It was more than a rear-ender, but less than a head-on. 

I'm OK.  I must stress that up front.  I'm totally fine.  My career as a crash test dummy was short lived.  

I got through the other side simply by following the advice of this big sign on the road.

During my few days of "reviving" I discovered some great things that I love about life.

  • I love that my parents live less than an hour away so I can visit easily
  • I love that my model daughter can drive me there when I'm not feeling up to it
  • I love that I have a cousin and a bestie who both drop everything to call me when I scream "help"
  • I love that Messenger means I can contact them via video or phone for free.
  • I love that I have people in my life who walk straight up and hug me if I'm looking a bit "frazzled".  
  • I love that my husband gives mammoth bear hugs full of love and safety.
  • I love that my kids make family time their priority
  • I love that I have an amazing client/colleague/friend who sent me a house cleaner when she discovered I was struggling
  • I love that I have a granddaughter who turned 4 this week and adds big rays of light to our world
  • I love that we have extended family that pulls together.
  • I love that you guys visit me each Thursday to join the Lovin Life Linky
  • I love that my melt downs are not permanent and that I have the tools in which to survive the bumps in the road and the resulting bingles.
How has your week been?

Any other crash test dummies out there?

What are you lovin' about life? 

*   *   *   *   *

The Lovin' Life Linky is brought to you by Team Lovin' Life: Deep Fried Fruit, Seize the Day Project, Write of the MiddleAnd Anyways50 Shades of Age and Lifestyle Fifty #teamlovinlife

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Day 2758 - The Lovin Life Linky - The stop, revive, survive edition
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