May 3, 2017

Day 2757 - Wellness Wednesday - Let's talk about mental health

Sometimes we need a mental breakdown to wake up.

Today I am not going to chat about exercise nor food nor the evils of bread.  Today I'm going to talk about mental health. Specifically my mental health.

As you know I take on a lot.  It's just part of who I am. I like to be busy.

Sometimes I don't actually realise how much I've taken on until all my projects are playing push-me-pull-me at the same time.

As I sit here and ponder my naval, I realise that investing in projects is a bit like investing in property.

It's all good when your investment houses are fully tenanted and the properties are paying for themselves without draining your resources. It's all good when the residents are behaving themselves and the world is sunshine and roses. It's not so good when the houses need maintenance, or they are all empty and your bank account is being depleted. It can lead to dire times.

It's the same with energy and mind matters.  It's all fun to take on new projects when they're running at different times and behaving themselves.  But when your energy is being consumed with all of them at once and your mind bank is being depleted through lack of resources, lack of time and additional personal challenges, it's draining on the mind, body and soul.  It too can lead to dire times.

I am writing this because I have over-invested my time.

I am writing this because my energy and mind bank is running dry.

I am also writing this because we've had a few extra challenges this year that weigh heavily on our shoulders causing structural damage.

I am tired and lacking resilience and it's all led to an iddy biddy breakdown.

So, here I am saying that when we invest our time, we should probably do it in the same way we invest in properties.  Only invest in them if we can sustain them even when there is no rental income or when there is maintenance or property damage to see to.

I am learning that I should only invest in projects if I can sustain them when they all suddenly peak at once and if I get hammered with challenges coming in from the outside.

Seems pretty straight forward doesn't it?

But you know all of this already.  It's me that is the queen of over commitment.  I'm a bit slow on the uptake.

This Wellness Wednesday I have taken a step back, I've dropped a couple of commitments and I'm taking some time to breathe.

Otherwise I may just end up bankrupt.

How's your health and wellness this week?

Are you feeling fit and fabulous?

How wisely are you investing your energy? 

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Day 2757 - Wellness Wednesday - Let's talk about mental health
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