Showing posts with label Aging Positively. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aging Positively. Show all posts

Jun 7, 2017

Day 2792 - Wellness Wednesday - Doona Day

Do you ever give yourself a Doona Day?

Occasionally we need to schedule ourselves a day of rest.  A PJ day with nothing but slippers, tea and back-to-back chick flicks.  A mental health day which we Aussies affectionately refer to as a Doona Day.

I do it so rarely that I have forgotten how to actually turn off my brain. Which of course can lead to stress, fatigue and complete and utter burnout.

It's occurred to me that I may be on the verge of burnout for some time.  But with so much going on in life, who has time for a break down?

Anyway, on this Wellness Wednesday I am making a commitment to myself: that I will have a complete day of forced bed rest.  Not because I'm sick but  because I want to avoid getting sick.

When will this day be?  Well ideally it will be when I have the house to myself.  Ideally it will be a day I can turn off the phone and unplug the computer.  Ideally it will be a day when nothing is due and nobody needs me.

Which is probably around the same time I see a pig fly past my window and a sparkly fresh batch of unicorn poo in my hallway.

So how does one effectively schedule a mental health day without the house falling apart, your work load suffering and (most importantly) without feeling guilty?

When it comes to that guilt thing, remember that mental health is just as important as physical health.  If you were blinded by a migraine, curled in a ball due to stomach cramps, coughing up phlegm or sitting on the toilet with a bucket on your lap you'd take the day off right?

As for scheduling it, check the diary.  Find a day in advance that has the least amount of impact on others.  A day when projects can be paused, communication can be cut off, kids are at school, the husband is at work and where there are no external appointments. Then block it out! If your kid was rushed to hospital due to a medical emergency you'd manage to block out your day wouldn't you?  You'd drop everything to spend the day by their side. It's time we started thinking about our Doona Days in the same no-holds-barred manner.

In reality an entire day from dawn to lights out for a mother is near impossible.  Even if you did have that bucket on your lap you'd probably be taking it with you while you drive the kids to school.  But having a Doona part-day is equally rewarding.

So my priority for this week is to find myself a Doona Day.  Even if it is only a part day scheduled within school hours.  Will it be today? Tomorrow? Friday?  Who knows.  But rest assured, there will be a day that the school run is being done in my slippers.

Do you schedule yourself a Doona Day?

What does a mental health day look like for you?

Seen any sparkling unicorn poo lately?  

For more information on burnout see Natalie's post "12 Major Signs of Burnout" over at Be Kind 3 You

Jun 6, 2017

Day 2791 - the health benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar

Shot of ACV anyone?

They say an apple a day will keep the doctor away. It seems that drinking Apple Cider Vinegar will keep the naturopath, beautician and Jenny Craig away too. 

A bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar magically appeared in my food cupboard recently (no idea how it got there) and in my usual "must know everything" style I googled what I could use it for.

I not only discovered that it's the latest greatest buzz in all things health, but that it's now known as ACV because who has time to call anything by its real name anymore?

I learned that anyone worth their considerably lighter weight in ACV is taking a shot of the stuff at breakfast each day to improve everything from digestion to blood pressure to stamina (and everything in between).

So I grabbed my shot glass and took a swig.  

Not the nicest shot I've ever had but it's marginally better than that iron smoked apple wood whiskey I had once.

It turns out my "latest greatest" tag may have been premature because further investigation suggests ACV has been used throughout history to treat a long list of health problems.

Anyway, because I like to chat about ageing positively and all the super foods that help with that, I'm going to tell you what I found out about ACV.

9 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar:

  1. Improved Digestion: Have a tablespoon 15 minutes before a meal to stimulate digestive juices for better break down of food.
  2. Reduce Heartburn: By correcting low stomach acid conditions it can prevent heartburn.
  3. Constipation:  If your bowel movements are a bit irregular ACV can act as a mild laxative
  4. Intestinal Bacteria:  Apparently ACV is "full of beneficial acids which are believed to help improve the make up of your intestinal flora".  ( 
  5. High Blood Pressure:  Some studies show that daily does of ACV can have a general benefit on the cardiovascular system which (in time) results in lowering of high blood pressure
  6. Immune System:  Because of the positive impact on intestinal flora, the malic acid making it a strong antiviral and benefits to the lymphatic system, ACV is said to strengthen the immune system. 
  7. Weight Loss:  I read that studies have shown the acetic acid in ACV helps suppress the accumulation of body fat and liver lipids.  Plus due to pectin content it can slightly reduce the body's ability to absorb fat.  Plus having a swig before a meal not only helps digestion but can also reduce hunger levels. 
  8. Detoxification:  drinking diluted raw and unfiltered ACV is believed to help detoxify and cleanse the liver
  9. Skin benefits:  Drinking ACV can help with pH levels in the skin and can help with acne when applied topically.  

Not enough to convince you?  

Then wait, there's more ...

My reading also suggests it helps with stamina and energy; leg cramps and restless leg syndrome; bad breath; regulating blood sugar and aiding in diabetes; soothing sunburned skin; whitening teeth; wart removal; marinating steaks; detangling hair; and (wait for it) removing the smell of cat urine.

Did you know about Apple Cider Vinegar?

Have you got this magic potion in your kitchen cupboard?

Are you and ACV on an acronym basis? 

PS  I have an inner Naughty by Nature rap wanting desperately to emerge: "You down with ACV? (yeah, you know me!), you down with ACV? (yeah, you know me!), who's down with ACV? (every last homie!) ....

Note: I am not a nutritionist, dietitian, naturopath ... not even a foodie.  The information above is simply information found through my reading.

Information sources:;;;; 

Jun 1, 2017

Day 2786 - The Lovin Life Linky - The positive aspects of Instagram edition

What are you lovin' about life this week?

My Instagram feed from the last 7 days
They say that Instagram can give a false sense of reality with photos that are often staged and showing an unachievable sense of perfection.

I prefer to think of it as an exercise in focus, positivity and perspective.

Instagram for me is a haven in which I can look at the world through rose coloured square shaped glasses.  It's where I park the ridiculously real challenges at the door and instead look at the lovely things that are right in front of me.

My Instagram is a window showing my "lovin' life" view at that moment.

The view I've been enjoying this week includes:

  • A quick peek at Vivid from the southern pylon of the Harbour Bridge 
  • An outing with my daughter as her "plus one"
  • Flicking through travel magazines as I marvel at all that Australia has to offer
  • An overnight stay at a new hotel
  • A lovely lunch with a bloggy pal
  • A wander through Sydney University as I do what my FitBit tells me
  • Savouring the velvety taste of macarons
  • Finding more pockets of watery perfection in the greater Sydney area
  • Always having a warm bed "B&B style" at my parents house
What my Instagram doesn't show is that the model daughter fainted at a photo shoot, or that our boy is having challenges at school, or that the big grown up girl had the surgery that removed yet another sarcoma and is now hobbling about with a blood and gunk filled drainage bag.  

Instagram allows me to remember that despite the challenges there's still a lot to be happy about.  

What's your view been like this week?

Are you wearing your rose coloured square shaped glasses?

What does Instagram mean to you?

*   *   *   *   *
Without further ado, it's time for the Lovin' Life Linky.

The Lovin' Life Linky is brought to you by Team Lovin' Life: Deep Fried Fruit, Seize the Day Project, Write of the MiddleAnd Anyways50 Shades of Age and Lifestyle Fifty #teamlovinlife

May 31, 2017

Day 2785 - Wellness Wednesday - Why I love my FitBit

It's official - I'm a Fitbit convert.

Usually when there's a craze that everyone is doing I avoid it.  Just because I hate getting on the band wagon.

I refuse to have an iPhone because apparently you've got to have an iPhone.  I have never read the Harry Potter series because apparently you've got to read the Harry Potter series.  I don't watch Game of Thrones because apparently you've got to watch Game of Thrones.  So even though I'd bought both my parents and the two kids FitBits, I refused to get one myself because apparently you've got to get a FitBit.

Then as I sat at my desk day in and day out lacking the motivation to exercise I decided that perhaps I should consider getting myself a "coach".  Someone or something to kick me in the butt wrist and push me out the front door.

As you know I got my FitBit for Mothers Day.  I sat staring at it for a week or so and then finally worked up the courage to form a relationship with it.

We've been together ever since.

My FitBit travels with me, works with me, walks with me, eats with me and even sleeps with me. Sometimes it needs to spend time alone to recharge and on those days I feel lost without it.

I'm devastated when I forget to put it on after a shower and then go shopping without it.  The FitBit loves to shop! So much incidental exercise as I walk up and down the supermarket aisles.

Recently I worked up over 8000 steps just sorting uniforms for the local soccer club.  Walking from the socks box to the shorts box to the jersey box and back again really adds a few K's to your day.

A few weeks ago instead of dropping the model daughter at Carriageworks for Fashion Week I suggested we park at Broadway and walk there instead as I needed the K's.

Last Tuesday as I sat on a couch at Carla Zampatti waiting for my girl to finish her work day the FitBit told me I still had 2000 steps to go until I reached my goal. So I walked to Pitt Street Mall and back choosing the long route and rejoiced as my FitBit congratulated me via a buzzing little arm party.

On Sunday the FitBit gently hinted that I'd been immobile for too long (lying on the couch will do that) so I put on my sneakers and went for a quick wander with the dogs.

Yesterday while in Sydney filling in time, I set up my mobile office in the food court at Broadway.  About 90 minutes into my work day my FitBit gave me a kick in the wrist and said "go, go, go!"  So I did.  I packed up my laptop, put it in the car then proceeded to walk around Sydney University for the next 45 minutes.

When I checked into my hotel yesterday afternoon the FitBit said I needed to do 120 in ten minutes. I had no idea what that meant but proceeded to jog up and down on the spot until my wrist started to buzz and another arm party began.

Right now as I type the FitBit is asking me if I'd like to go for a stroll.  After spending 3 hours in the car driving home from Sydney and now sitting in front of a screen, perhaps a stroll is a mighty fine idea.

The bottom line is the FitBit gets me moving.  It encourages me to make better choices and choose more active options.

The FitBit holds me accountable.  By setting up my health and fitness goals it does what all good coaches should do and asks me how I'm going, gently shoves me when I'm immobile and cheers me on when I reach my milestones.

The FitBit also has a support system.  You can set up groups with friends who are at similar fitness levels as yourself so that you're part of a health and wellness group even if you don't see each other face-to-face.

Apparently the FitBit also does clever things like encourages better food choices and helps you track your water consumption for good hydration.  I haven't looked into that side of things yet, but rest assured I will.

Best of all the FitBit isn't hard to use.  It's any easy to manage system and you can adjust your goals in line with where you're currently at it life.  It doesn't judge you or scream at you when you have a dodgy day.  It simply encourages you to think about your choices.

And that's why I love my FitBit! 

Because when it comes to health and fitness, we could all use a good kick in the butt wrist.  

May 29, 2017

Day 2783 - Do you have a hobby?

What is a hobby?

According to the dictionary a hobby is "an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure".

This is where I get confused as to whether or not I actually have any hobbies.  Or if perhaps my life is one big hobby!

Back in the old days when I trundled off to work everyday at the Department of Agriculture it would be easy for me to define my hobbies and my leisure time. A hobby would be anything I was doing that brought me joy outside of  those clearly defined work hours. Technically speaking the family stuff doesn't count.  Being with your kids is called being a parent, not a hobby. So back then I would have listed stuff like reading, doing crosswords and creating photo albums of our adventures as my hobbies.

These days it's harder.  There are no clear lines between my "work" and my "pleasure". Time all rolls into one. Everything I do is usually because I enjoy it.

For the purposes of the tax department, my consultancy business is loosely defined by the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science as a hobby based business.  Which basically means it's small and something I do for my own personal enjoyment and satisfaction,  I don't earn big wads of money from it and I do it in my own time and only when people contact me. I don't race out there looking for clients.  A hobby  ✅

When it comes to my children's book series I guess that is much more than a hobby. I have invested a great deal of time, money and energy into Cheer Chick Charlie.  I do the taxes and there's a profit and loss trail. While I love it, according to the Government it's a business. Not a hobby ❎

As for blogging I would definitely define that as a hobby.  I do it regularly in my "leisure time" and the only reason I write most days is because I love it. I choose not to make money from my blogging. A hobby ✅

When it comes to my volunteer work, do I class that as a hobby?  Hmmm.  It's what I do to ensure I'm actively involved with my community.  I do it to give back.  While I do it regularly it's not necessarily done in my "leisure time". In fact, it eats into my leisure time.  But it does bring me satisfaction. Not a hobby ❎

Yesterday I took the day off from being an adult.  Other than a few household chores, helping kids with homework and a quick walk, I bummed around the house all day in my Ugg boots.  It would have been the perfect time to indulge in a hobby.

That's when I realised I don't have any traditional hobbies.

I don't like to garden.

I don't cook for pleasure.

I don't knit.

I don't sew.

I don't play chess.

I don't go dancing,

I'm not much of a bush walker.

I don't watch birds.

I don't play guitar.

I don't colour.

I read and I write and I communicate with people.  Then when it's all done I watch TV and hang with my family. That's what I do.

Could it be that my life is one big hobby?

Or don't I have any hobbies at all?

At what point do hobbies stop being hobbies and just become "life"? 

May 19, 2017

Day 2773 - How to wear perfume if you are sensitive to smells

Do you wear perfume?

As a migraine sufferer I can be sensitive to smells.  Cigarette smoke, for example, can cause me an instant headache that leads to vomiting fairly quickly.  Walking through the original casinos in Fremont Street, Vegas (which don't have the good air control) had me racing to the nearest toilet with "head in the hands" pain and vomiting.

Being in a room full of dressed up ladies wearing their favourite scents can also cause me some significant nasal irritation.  Especially if those scents have been over sprayed.

Because of these sensitivities I don't wear much perfume.  I love the idea of perfume, but in practice it just doesn't bode well for me.

Having said that I have had my favourites over the years.

I was a big fan of Georgio Beverly Hills and Elizabeth Arden's 5th Avenue.  I also quite liked Calvin Klein's Eternity and Versace's Red Jeans Woman.  Yes, I'm showing my age.

Recently as the Hubster travelled home from New Zealand he asked what perfume I might like from Duty Free.  I umm'ed and aah'ed and then decided to go for something I've never had before.  Strangely enough I chose my new perfume based on the name.  Which is how I ended up with Clinique's "Happy".

So how does someone who is sensitive to smells wear perfume?

Wear your perfume on your back!

I spray mine on the back of my head/hair and on the back of my shirt. This means it's not going up my nose all day but I still smell nice to other people. 

According to some perfume specialists, "spraying on hair and fabric is a better plan in any case as the oils sink into the structure of the fibres and take longer to evaporate" (Greatist, December 2015). Perhaps best not to spray on silk and other delicate fabrics though.

Choose a light fragrance.

People with fragrance "allergies" can smell things at lower levels than others, so finding nice light perfumes is the key for someone who gets headaches from smells.

Perhaps go with the "Eau de cologne".

According to Total Beauty, "Eau de cologne" is the least potent version of perfume which works better for those who are sensitive to smells.

Do you wear perfume?

What's your favourite?

Anyone else get headaches from smells? 

What are you perfume tips?